From Tracie: It Is All Sweet Until The Candy Won't Crush

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It Is All Sweet Until The Candy Won't Crush

You didn't think I was going to write every day in November without at least one post about Candy Crush did you? It would probably be impossible. Especially when I have been stuck on a level for what feels like forever, and I have to talk about it with someone who will really care. Or someone whose eyes I can't see rolling as the words Candy Crush leave my lips.

What is this dastardly level that is holding me captive? Level 350. It is the last level in the Pearly White Plains world, and as with all other worlds, the last level is always one of the hardest. How do you beat Level 350 on Candy Crush? Please tell me.

Coming to you again to whine and complain about Candy Crush seems a little wrong. I'm the one who chooses to play this game, not you. I'm the one who can't crush the candies, not you.


What if you can't crush the candies?

What if you are the person who is stuck on level 107, level 162level 265, or some other horrible Candy Crush level? I have been there, and I remember how much I secretly hated giving tickets to my friends who had passed ahead of me. I now realize, for those of you who are stuck behind me, these Candy Crush updates and pleas for help read less like whining and more like bragging.

Look at me! I'm on level 350! I'm about to pass into a new Candy Crush world! I'm the Candy Crush Master! Just call me Queen Candy Crush, and drop a Kit Kat into the bowl next to my throne after you curtsy.

Which makes me wonder: which is worse, whining or bragging?
Because it seems I'm doing both.

I'm stuck. Level 350 might just be the last level for me. I'm this close to quitting today. Or tomorrow. By the weekend for sure.

I can quit anytime I want.

What level of Candy Crush has you stuck?
Whine or brag in the comments so the rest of us Candy Crushers will know we aren't alone.


  1. OMG. I don't know why I do this to myself either. I was stuck on 153 for months and now I'm stuck on 154. I actually removed Candy Crush from my phone in early October but got sucked backed into downloading it again (only to find that it remembered which level I was on).

    1. It is crazy that it remembered your level. But probably good, too. Can you imagine how mad you would have been if you had to start all over?

      .....but, maybe they do that on purpose. If you were mad because of starting over, you might just delete the app again.

      Very sneaky Candy Crush. Very sneaky.

  2. I've never tried playing! I don't even really know what it's about. Should I stay blissfully unaware?

  3. candy crush is evil. I hate that my wife got me hooked on it. I hate you candy crush.

    1. I've heard my husband say the exact same thing - more than once!

  4. HA HA HA!! I can't remember the last level I am stuck on (I don't play as often as I used to!), but I am still in the hundreds. Or two hundreds. But guess what, Lisa did quit!! GASP!!-Ashley

    1. Lisa quit!?! I'm kind of impressed. Quitting is hard. I'm just not there quite yet.

  5. I have actually not played in about two weeks. I stuck to my post about quitting(I didn't think I would). Though it helped that I got a new phone and didn't put the app on there. ;)

    1. I'm very impressed!!

      Not having the app on the phone probably really does make a difference.

  6. I had to go look though- I'm stuck on 308.

    1. I love so much that you checked your level number! LOL.

      308 is really far - are you sure you don't want to come back and finish out the rest of the levels? (I'm such a Candy Crush pusher!)

  7. I'm currently trapped on Level 140. Before I look like a total loser, I will confess I broke up with Candy Crush for 4 months. Didn't play it even once. If we'd stayed broken up I'd still have free time to get stuff done but I also wouldn't be able to chime in on this post with my current level so I think it's clear I was right to get back together.

  8. LOL I refuse to accept invitations to play this game. I'm not judging those who do, but it seems so addicting that I don't think I could handle it! Haha.

  9. Oh my I thought it was just me. I want to delete this game so bad but I can't. Stuck on 410.

  10. That's what bugged me about Angry Birds. I would get to levels that I just COULDN'T get through and then I would just get discouraged and give up. I play games for relaxation, so if they aren't relaxing, I will just move on to the next thing.
