
Monday, June 10, 2013

My Own Little Belle

A little less than two months are left before Katarina turns ten years old. I want to hold on to every minute of her nine-ness. I want to tuck aside memories of all the special things that made up this year of her life, before she crosses the bridge into the land of double digit years.

Katarina can almost always be found with a book. A large portion of her days are spent with the characters and worlds that live within pages. These are her favorite books and series from the past few months. Some of them are old friends, read over and over again, and some are new loves.

Katarina And Her Favorite Books

The books read when you are a child stay in a special corner of your heart that no other book can reach. In my quest to remember the ninth year of her life, I want to note what she was reading - the stories that captured her imagination, made her laugh, caused her think, sat with her in solitude, touched her heart, and broadened her world.

I want to remember the books we read together, and the ones she read alone, often staying up way to late to finish one more chapter (which often turns into two or even three more chapters).

Some of her favorite books are stories that sit in the special corner of my heart. Books I loved when I was a child, and have enjoyed revisiting with Katarina - traveling to far off places together, introducing each other to characters, and sharing the special understanding that only two people who love the same book can have. In those moments, we aren't just mother and daughter; we are friends as well. It is a beautiful blessing.

What were your favorite books when you were a kid or teen?


  1. A girl after my own heart!
    I love reading, books and readers.
    Nancy Drew - I read all of them when I was a child. This makes me want tor revisit my childhood favorites.
    What a great way to remember Katarina's nine-ness!

    1. I read all of the Nancy Drew books as well. And you know what? They are still good today. They hold up well in 2013, even though they were written in the 30s.

      Reading, books, and readers are all my favorite things! :)

    2. I read Nancy Drew too and Judy Blume - does that name stir up any childhood reading memories?!

    3. I read a lot of Judy Blume!

      Katarina went through a Beverly Cleary phase a couple of years ago, but she hasn't read much Judy Blume, yet.

  2. Oh I love this way of capturing your girl's year! You are so right - books read at this age do occupy such a special and important place. And your girl and I could find so much to talk about - Narnia and Harry Potter and, of course, BSC. So fun!

    1. Aww. Y'all would have fun talking about books! :)

      I was really surprised how much of those BSC plot lines I remembered when she started reading them, and would talk about them with me.

      Harry Potter is a new-ish love for me. I didn't start reading them until a couple of years ago when a friend sent them to me, but now I immediately fell in love.

      Narnia. Forever and always. #enoughsaid

  3. I used to love book series and I think I tried them all, even the lesser known ones: Babysitter Club, Sweet Valley, Sleepover Friends, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Pen Pals, Polk Street School, Fabulous Five..

    1. There are a few on here I never read (like Polk Street School) or heard of before now. But I loved me some Sweet Valley, and I was a total Baby-Sitters Club girl. I think I read the Sleepover Friends books, too.

  4. I love this, capturing her past reads in a beautiful image. Wonderful! :)
    I can see many of my own favorites here, too. I am such an Anne of Green Gables gal, I have read all the titles in the series!

    Tamara: I remember Polk Street School — had a kid crush on Richard "Beast" Best, lol!

    1. Anne of Green Gables is one of my very favorites!! A dear friend sent the entire series to her a few years ago, and she loves revisiting them.

      I never read the Polk Street School books. Now I want to go back and see what I missed!

  5. She is so gorgeous! I love that you have this record of her favorites. I loved the Shoes books when I was Katarina's age - Ballet Shoes, Theatre Shoes, Skating Shoes - and Sweet Valley High. But probably my favorite was From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Franenweiler.

    1. Did you recognize it? She is holding From The Mixed-Up Files in the picture!!

      I never read the Shoe Books, but I remember that lovely monologue Meg Ryan has about them in the movie You've Got Mail.

      Sweet Valley High was a favorite of mine, as well. Katarina hasn't read any of those, yet. I'm not sure how well they will hold up in a 2013 world.

  6. Oh. My. Heart. I LOVE this!

    I don't think I can express what I fabulous idea I think this is!

    Love your capture, your memories, and your book lovin' girl!

  7. This is a wonderful portrait idea. Love it. My favorites when I was young were the Little House on the Prairie books.

    1. She is planning on reading the Little House books this summer. I'm so excited about that! I loved them, too.

  8. I love this and those books that I read as a child are still in the corner of my heart today as well. My daughter is also a huge reader and loves the same books as your Katrina!

    1. I love that your daughter is a reader, and is also revisiting some of these old favorites. That is awesome.

  9. I LOVE hearing about a child who loves to read...we are getting closer with my older daughter, and it warms my heart. Thanks to this post I just ordered her the first Babysitter's Club book...hope she loves it as much as I did! :)-Ashley

    1. You win the comment section today! My heart is SO excited that you just ordered a Baby-Sitters Club for your daughter. Let me know if she likes it! :)

  10. Your kid is beautiful and totally awesome:). As a kid I read everything I could get my hands on. Little House, all of louisa may alcott's books, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Narnia, Elfquest, The Hobbit, The Mixed Up Files, the Bobbsey Twins, the Shoes series (Ballet, Theater and Dancing) and so many more. My favorite book at one point was Hard Luck Horse and I still have my original copy. Also National Velvet. My copy is falling apart and has stuff written in the margins like, Go Velvet! Which is sort of embarrassing now, but how I loved that book.
    I hope I will get to share books with my son like you do with Katarina.

    1. Aww. Thank you!!

      I had a much-loved copy of National Velvet and Black Beauty when I was a kid. I love that you wrote in the margins like that when you were little - it is sweet.

  11. What a lovely picture and a beautiful girl!
    I just recently read a childrens' book she might enjoy - it's called Wildwood (and it'll be a series, there are currently two books with a third one on the way).
    Have a great summer!

    1. Thank you! I will definitely check out the Wildwood books - she is always looking for a new series to get into.

  12. Oh, how amazing that she is such a reader!

    I loved Babysitter's Club, Sweet Valley, Christopher Pike books, anything I could get my hands on, really.

    1. I remember reading Christopher Pike books.

      My neighbor had shelves books her daughter left behind when she moved away to college. I used to go over there and borrow them by the armful, and there were quite a few Christopher Pike ones mixed in there.

  13. Oh my mum used to ply me with Nancy Drew too! Thanks for sharing these...I'm a bookie myself!

    1. Yay! Bookies are always awesome.

      Nancy Drew is ageless.

  14. I was such a book worm as a kid and still am. I love this sweet post! And what a great idea to remember get at age nine :)

  15. Love! She is truly a girl after my own heart and I remember loving and reading MANY of the same books you listed for her! I'm excited for Amber to be a little older so she can start reading the books I knew and loved too!

    1. Yes! It will be special to share books with Amber. I can't even explain it. You are going to LOVE those years!

  16. Aww so precious! I used to read the Babysitter's club too :D What a gorgeous young lady.

    1. Thank you! :)

      Those Baby-Sitters Club books seem to have been popular with most of us.

  17. Isn't it great when children love to read.......I always loved reading and my youngest is also a big reader.........turning 10 is such a big step double digits wow

    1. I'm glad you were able to share your love of reading with your youngest. It is so special.

  18. Good, good girl. That is wonderful that she reads like that. Reading opens a door of magic. It really does.

  19. What a great picture and it is a joy to read those titles. Those brought back some wonderful memories.

  20. Wow, this post was a blast from my past. I read many of the same books when I was growing up, and I can't wait to introduce my daughters when they're older. Babysitters Club, Anne of Green Gables, Chronicles of Narnia! I read the Harry Potter series a few years ago and can't wait to re-read them with my girls!

    1. I read the Harry Potter books for the first time a couple of years ago, and now I'm reading through them again with Katarina - they are even better the second time around!

  21. I remember reading all the Laura Ingalls books.

    1. Those were some of my favorites. Katarina is planning on reading them this summer!

  22. I just read a chapter from Little House in the Big Woods to my daughter this evening - loved those, plus a lot of ones mentioned.

    1. Super awesome! I love that you are reading those over there in France.

  23. Beautiful idea. She is just like my 8 year old daughter. I think I might borrow your idea and do this too. I remember she exasperatedly exclaimed one day, "Mom, take me to the library! I've read every book appropriate for me in this house! Some of them thrice!" And appropriate meant all the books within her reach. LOL.

    1. Oh yes. Please do borrow this idea! I would love to see yours. Appropriate really is any book within your reach. Love that story!!

  24. That is a fantastic reading list for a nine-year old. You’re right, I have a special fondness for the books I loved as a kid. Here’s to two more months of being nine, and to the excitement that comes with being ten!

  25. My husband is a book worm and my little one is becoming a book lover, and I guess most kids are.
    She enjoys new stories and I am trying my best to not kill that beautiful skill - reading.

    1. The more you read with her, the more she will love it!

  26. I really just smiled throughout this post, I LOVE IT. How awesome that you thought to capture this period of your beautiful daughter's life. Warms my heart right up. You brought me right back to my childhood and the beginnings of my book-loving days. I remember loving The Baby-Sitters Club at her age and a few years later lots of Lois Duncan stories like Down a Dark Hall and Summer of Fear. GREAT post!

  27. Those book titles bring back so many memories for me! What a great way to capture memories of age 9. They grow up too fast!

    1. Way too fast. We need to find a way to slow down time - even just a little bit.

  28. What a princess. She's so beautiful. I love her choices. Like mama like daughter, huh? ;)

  29. My favorite book while growing up was A Little Princess. I still have my worn out copy!

    I LOVE your idea of keeping track of favorite books. I keep a notebook that I jot down quotes from the kids and fun things they have done. Now I'm going to add favorite books as well.

    Thanks for the idea!!

  30. Tracie,

    I love this line, "I want to hold on to every minute of her nine-ness." She is so precious. I remember being that age, it's a pretty magical time. All these books you listed just took me back down memory lane, I loved the Baby Sitters Club and the Chronicles of Narnia. And the Box Car Children! I think she must be a smart girl.

  31. My daughter is almost twelve- and i miss how much she used to read as a nine year old. I have to find a way to capture that again, to reintroduce her to all the wonders in books. Trying to balance limits on computer/ipod, with getting some of these awesome titles into her hands. Wish me luck! :)

  32. Too funny. I clicked into the title on SITS and didn't know it was your post. Then I saw and was so not surprised. :) Love it. Love the image/graphic combo, too, of course.

    And love that you're cultivating your love of reading in your lil one! :D

  33. I was always buried in a book but I have little recall of which books I read ... aside from everything that I could lay my hands on! I have vague memories of Nancy Drew and Little House series but nothing else comes to mind until my rebel stage when I was about 16 and buried myself in Black Like Me, Malcolm X, and other books about racism. The strongest book memory I have though is crying when Rhett told Scarlett that he didn't give a "damn" at the end of Gone With the Wind. I'd still like to rewrite the end of that one!

  34. What a fantastic picture and way to capture the books she loves. My middle schooler is an avid reader as well as am I now that I am adult. I enjoyed Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and Babysitters club as a kid and then lost my love of reading until now. I blog a lot about books now as it's my favorite "me time" pastime these days.

    Stopping by from SITS!
