
Saturday, June 08, 2013

Don't Trade Me

"I felt a thrill when you picked me up, and took me home. You opened me gently; as you cried and laughed through my story, we stared at each other all night.

I want to be yours forever, please, don't trade me in for someone new," he whispered quietly from the stack by the door.

Trifecta Writing Challenge Button

Trifecta Prompt: A story in three sentences.

Do your books love you as much as you love them?


  1. ha! I love that this is from the book's point of view! fun piece.


  2. This is great. It took me two reads to completely get it, and then in was 100% clear. I love writing like this!

  3. Love this post. As a book lover, I can imagine this is how they feel! :)-Ashley

  4. Lovely post! As a book lover, this is pretty much how I feel about most of my books. I'm sure my lovely books reciprocate the feeling ;)

  5. Now I'll feel guilty when I give away a book I've read :)

  6. I'm a serial book buyer, and go through new 'loves' very often.

  7. Took me a moment... (: Love it!

  8. I hope she isn't so shallow as to just toss the poor thing aside in favor of a shiny new one. Love this little love affair. Great job!

    Thank you for linking up!

  9. Yeah I love books I love to hold them and the smell of the paper and I also like to read them on my ereader or listen to them in the car I just love books

  10. I love books! Even after I read them and know I'll probably never read it cover to cover again, I have an emotional attachment and have a hard time giving them up. I wonder how a library book's version of this story would sound...LOL

  11. A book's love... A tale well-told. Great one Tracie!

  12. I absolutely love this! And it will make me feel bad when I trade books in now, haha!

  13. I love this prompt. It made me think of a found baseball card or book. Very fun!

  14. For a second there I was afraid you had taken up writing erotica! Then I realized you were talking about a book! LOL! =)

  15. Very interesting take on the prompt, Tracie! My books are treasured friends. I only part with one after much thoughtful consideration and, even then, never to the trash, always to a book sale of some sort so that my book can be loved anew by someone else. :)

  16. I certainly hope my books love me just as much!

  17. Can't help but love book as narrator!

  18. I love books -- this was cute. I have gone from buying hardcover/softcover to books on kindle and I miss being able to hold them. But I have so many, so I've decided to limit myself to only my favorite authors!

  19. I like books, but their worth to me is over once I read them. There are very few I enjoy enough to hold onto forever!
