
Sunday, May 05, 2013

Strings Of Peace

My days go by in a blur - math problems, reading pages, science websites, lunch and snacks, news watching, blog post reading, emails with friends, Bible study time, social media work, book reading, and (on good days) writing.

I can feel the strings of peace stretched over my day. They weave a net over and around me - something to grab hold of when the day feels unmanageable. I measure those strings of peace in hours, sometimes minutes.

Two minutes to read a blog post, and leave a quick comment. I wish it could be more, but the emotions are overwhelming, and all I can bear is a short, "I am praying for you today." Short, but very real.

Minutes for that prayer...for more prayer...names flitting across my mind demanding attention.

Five minutes to listen to a song while I wait for nine o'clock to arrive.

Four minutes to make the oatmeal. Add a splash of milk. One minute to stir. Breakfast is ready.

Thirty minutes for math pages. I sneak in a few emails, read the closed captioning on the news, answer a question, peek at facebook. I feel the connections in these minutes - my daughter working, the world spinning on, updates from people I love and people I don't really know. Sometimes those updates feel like a punch in my stomach; sometimes they bring a small smile or a huge laugh; sometimes they bring tears.

I grab out for the strings of peace. I count the minutes. I think of prayers prayed in order. "A script" the judgmental voices in my mind mock. "Peace" the whisper of my soul answers.

I hold on to the strings of peace. Hand over hand. Swinging from string to string throughout the day; they deliver me safely to the shore on the other side - to sleep, and quiet, and time to recharge for the new day that is coming.

Stream Of Consciousness Sunday Prompt: How do you deal with things? My mind thought of dealing with life, and this was what my heart wrote. I passed the five minute mark, but I could not stop typing until my heart was silent.

What brings peace to your life?
How do you deal with the moments that are less than peaceful?


  1. this is beautiful, Tracie. love how you intertwine the oatmeal, the minutiae of a morning mixed with the realities, prayers for others, and peace. gorgeous.

    love you!

  2. This is lovely, Tracie. I can feel the presence in your experience as well as in your words. Such a blessing to me this morning... (and I feel like I know you better!)

    So grateful you wrote (and I read!) today!

    1. Thank you, Julie! I love knowing that my words were a blessing to you. That makes my day sunshiney.

  3. This is absolutely beautiful! xoxo

  4. So poetic - I've got such a vivid picture.

  5. Hi, Tracie.

    Thanks for the window on your world - this is pure poetry. I love the imagery of 'holding on to strings of peace'. I must do my best to find mine and cling on tight.

    Nice to meet you through SOC Sunday.

    Take care,


  6. gossamer. this is the word that rang in my mind with a delicate, crystalline sound, as dewdrops glistened on those string of peace. this is beautiful. thank you for sharing the beauty and peace of your day with me, and for weaving the gossamer strands of it into my life.

    1. gossamer is one of those words that just sounds and looks beautiful even if you don't know what it means.

  7. What a lovely post! Your words have substance. They reach through the monitor, across the miles, and touch the reader. An amazing gift. Thank you for touching my mind and my heart.

  8. This? This whole post, every word, is beautiful.

  9. Love. Love. Love.
    Let that peace keep you still when things are overwhelming.
    You are a beautiful soul and give so much.
    Love you.

  10. Beautiful Tracie. Absolutely exactly that life feels.-The Dose Girls

  11. Such great writing. I totally felt like I was there with you... good for you for holding onto the peace when you are so very busy!

  12. I love this so much! I'm going to write "Strings of Peace" on my fridge and bathroom mirror (dry erase marker) to remind me. Thank you for the beautiful writing and the inspiration.

  13. I can "picture" your day in my head. I really love the way you write Tracie, it's beautiful! :-D

  14. You captured it! This is how I feel!

    I love this, Tracie.

  15. This is so lovely. Hard, but lovely.

  16. Strings of peace. Love that phrase.

  17. Perfect. It absolutely captured my feelings today, when life crashes around your ears in a sea of tiny details that push on your soul and make you grasp for those strings of peace!!!!
