
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weaving A Friendship

One of the nice things about living in Orlando is that I occasionally get to see friends when they come down here for vacations or work. It happened two weeks ago, and I had the most amazing lunch with someone I love, and so much laughter. This week my oldest friend is coming for a conference, and I get to see her. By oldest friend I do not mean oldest - she is my age - I mean longest loved.

This has me thinking of all the time we spent together as children and teenagers. I can't remember the first time we met. It was probably in a Sunday School class. Maybe she had the yellow crayon and let me borrow it? Or we might have been the two girls in the back giggling when we should have been paying attention? It seems strange that I can not remember. 

But I do remember other moments. Birthday parties. Long walks (fueled by IBC Root Beer). Sleepovers. Sunday School classes with less crayons and more paying attention. Disciple Now weekends. Tears. Theme Parks. Laughter. Trips to the beach. Choir Tours. Sharing. Long bus rides. Emails after she moved away. Even longer phone calls. Pictures. Meeting at the airport. No emails when we lost touch for too many years. Lots of emails (and a few phone calls) when we found each other again. One long weekend when she let me invade her house on her anniversary to hold a blogathon.

These things by themselves might be small, but together, they weave a beautiful fabric of friendship.

Stream Of Consciousness Sunday

Stream of Consciousness Sunday prompt:
Moments In Time


  1. Love this. I have a friend who I met in 8th grade. We're now 45 and live in the same town for the first time since childhood. We have so many memories together and it is great being near her now as adults.

  2. WOW- what a blessing that kind of friendship is to have. All the years... you two have traveled your journey together in many ways. SO cool.

  3. Hey Tracie, Friendship is always just amazing experience. It is something that always nourishes you and your personality. The "Oldest" friendship is always a joy to have in!

  4. Have a delightful time with your friend sweet Tracie!

  5. Love.
    The best relationships are the ones where you can pick up right where you left off. You're both very lucky to have each other

  6. Absolutely LOVE this in every way possible. Oh my Gosh, it is just such a true story of how amazing friendship can really be. :)-The Dose Girls

  7. It is amazing! I guess you find this probably even more than I did, but when I lived in San Francisco, it was so interesting to live somewhere that people come from all over to visit. Tourist destination in my backyard. So yes, I came to see many people stopping in to see the great city - many old friends. My aunt lives in Orlando so we're lucky to have a place to stay.

  8. I have a friend like this. Our long walk were coupled with Canadian Mist. We used to walk all over town. Crazy to think about now, as I would never let my boys walk that far. It's funny how these long friendship span a lifetime, but they aren't always present in our day-to-day.

  9. I love everything about the way you describe this friendship. Everything - and it is those small moments together that create something bigger. I hope you had a wonderful time with your friend!

  10. I love this. So very much. It's made me a little teary-eyed because I've lost some of those friends. I still have a few, but some are gone and even when that's accepted I still twinge a little, ya know?

    But this is beautiful! I can see little you and your friend. :>
