
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Three Truths

The lovely and amazing Tia played the 3+1 game last week, and tagged me to do it, too. In case you have never played, the rules are simple: I will share four things. Three of them will be true. One will be a lie. You have to guess which one is the lie.

These are your four options:

1. I do not like different kinds of food to touch each other on my plate.

2. I love Tinikling.

3. Geometry is my favorite kind of math.

4. I rode down the interstate in a car that was on the back of a flatbed tow truck.

Which one isn't true?
Leave your guesses in the comments, and I will answer later this week.

*I did three truths and a lie for a Trifecta Writing prompt last year. It was about my relationship with sleep, and was much less mysterious than this one.


  1. I'm praying that its Geometry is your favorite math... Lord, my mind can't wrap about geometry for anything.

  2. If you're like me, it's number one. xo I do not like my food to touch.

  3. Number 2 is something I've never heard of, so I'm going to go with number 1 is the lie.

  4. I am thinking 3 is the lie.. I know how you loathe math..

  5. How fun! I am going to say #1, though I honestly don't have a clue :)

    ICLW #61

  6. I had to look up tinikling. After I misread it as "tinkling!" LOL! I'm guessing geometry is the lie.

  7. I'm going with geometry, too. I personally think it's pretty cool, but the wording of your sentence sounds a little shady to me. Maybe. :-)

  8. Hmmmm...this is hard. I am going to go with #3 geometry is the lie. Can't wait to see what the answer is!! --Lisa

  9. Hmm. I'll guess #3 is the lie.

  10. I'm going with #1. I know a lot of people don't like their food to touch. I think I'm the opposite. I paint and smush it all together. Yum.

  11. I want to say geometry but that seems like it's too I'm going to say the touching of the food.

  12. #3 is my guess!

  13. Easy number 4..............ok only easy if I am right........
