
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Other People's Words

Mama Kat asked us to share 6 of our favorite quotes as one of her Writing Workshop prompts, and I could not pass it up.

That which is denied cannot be healed. - Brennan Manning
Brennan Manning Quote That which is denied

You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should've behaved better. - Anne Lamott
Anne Lamott Quote You own everything that happened to you

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 
"What! You too? I thought I was the only one." - C. S. Lewis
C S Lewis Quote Friendship is born

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. - St. Francis of Assisi
Prayer Of St Francis Of Assisi

Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones. And when you have finished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. 
God is awake. - Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo Quote Have courage for the great sorrows of life
(The Victor Hugo quote will always make me think of Sara.)

Finally, on a less serious note:
Darryl From The Office Quote Access your un-crazy side.

You need to access your un-crazy side. - Darryl from The Office

Mama’s Losin’ It

What is your favorite quote?


  1. All brilliant. I might just have found a new favorite in that Darryl quote. I can hear him saying it. Too funny. And that Victor Hugo quote is new to me but wonderful.

    1. That Darryl quote is better if you read it in his voice. And it applies to so many people, in so many life situations. I could use it every day.

  2. Fantastic quotations!! Love the Anne Lamott and Darryl just knows.

    1. Anne is always awesome.

      Darryl is the man.

  3. LMBO the last one.. yeah baby momma but I don't think it would do any good cause at this point I am not even sure there IS an uncrazy side..

  4. Have courage for the great sorrows of life. Great quote. I needed that. Thanks!

  5. Tracie, I LOVE the second quote!! I they're all great, but that one totally speaks to me. I always try to avoid publicly acknowledging bad behavior to avoid rocking the boat, but that is so right.

    1. That one is the quote of my life. It opened me up to be able to be honest - not cruel, just honest. And it helped me to have courage in my writing.

  6. Oh, I know a lot of us need to access our un-crazy sides!

    1. SO true! I had one of those days last week where it would have been a good reminder for me.

  7. Great quotes! I really like the Anne Lamott one. Funny and true!

    1. It is one of those things that is very simple in its truth.

  8. Those are all great. I love Victor Hugo one--God is awake.

    1. It is a very comforting reminder. Especially for someone like me who deals with anxiety.

  9. Ooh Ooh Ooh! I want to play this one! I love quotes! Those were some beauties!

  10. Dear Tracie! .... rabbit trails ... you started me on rabbit trails .... and now my sleep medicine is kicking in and I am going to go to bed. Not make quote pictures! Maybe tomorrow! It's a fun project, yes?

    1. A VERY fun project! I saw that you did one, too. Yay!

      That makes me happy.

  11. you picked some wonderful quotes to share. I like the one about telling your story. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

    1. I think it is very freeing for those of us who are unsure how to deal with less than flattering stories about family.

  12. I have never heard that C.S. Lewis quote about friends, but it is spot on. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It makes me happy, because it is just so true. My closest friendships all started much that same way.

  13. Awesome collection.
    I love that guy.
    He played in pineapple express and he made me die laughing.

    1. He is crazy funny. No matter what he does, I will always think of him as "Darryl from The Office."

  14. LOVE these! Pinning several of them :D
