
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Losing My Messy Ponytail

I told y'all I was thinking about getting bangs, and you gave me some great haircut ideas. Jessica even sent me pictures, and led the way by getting a cute haircut of her own. I have not used any of those ideas, yet, because I realized my hair is almost long enough to donate again. I am going to let it grow, untouched, until it hits the right length, and then I will get it cut with some long bangs.

This plan leaves me with hair that I am not really loving. Most of the time it is up in a messy ponytail. Something like this:
Messy Ponytail
Not messy in a cute way; messy in an "I am too lazy to make this ponytail look good" kind of way.

I want to enjoy my long hair while I have it, and wear styles that won't be possible when I cut it short. My new goal is to learn how to master something that looks fancy, but is somewhat simple, like this Sexy, Loose Bun.

I think that is doable. What do you think?

Do you wear your hair in a bun?
What else should I be doing with my long hair?

Pssst! If you watch that video all the way to the end, you can enter for a chance to win $100, $250 or more...and you can tell me what you think about buns - I need more hairstyle advice.

Prizes & Promotions page on
Sweeps Rules (4/24-4/30):


  1. It's been awhile since I've had hair long enough to do a lot with it. I'd do the bun for sure. There are a ton of pretty braids on Pinterest, too, but I don't know how someone does them by themselves! --Lisa

    1. When I look at those pretty braid pictures on Pinterest, I wonder the same thing! My daughter loves playing with hair, and watching hairstyle videos on youtube. I need to let her practice on me more - I might end up with super cute hair that way.

  2. I used to wear my hair up in a bun but then I accidentally got it cut too short so now it's a really messy ponytail b/c I can't get the front part to go all the way back. *sigh*

    1. I hate it when the front part of the hair won't stay in the ponytail. That is a total pain. Thankfully, it grows, so maybe you will have long(er) hair again soon.

  3. When my hair was longer, or I had to do a bun for Casey's dance recitals, I'd do the cheater bun. I'd put it in a ponytail first, then twist the ponytail up and around and use a second elastic to fasten it onto itself. Then I'd throw a scrunchy around it to hide the elastics. Now my hair is too short for anything but a small ponytail, so when I hear the word "buns",I think of the cinnamon-sugary kind. Yeah, I'm no help at all, am I? ;)

    1. I've done that bun before. But it usually seems to fall out of the outside elastic.

      I'm all about cinnamon-sugary buns, though. I could go for one of those everyday.

  4. that's how my ponytails are at the end of the day too.

    I actually will sleep with my hair in a bun & wake up & let it down & it's got great body & wave... plus, it keeps it off myf ace at night

    1. That is nice! I wish my hair would end up with body and wave in the morning. Usually it is either a tangled mess, or it will get wavy on one side but not the other.

  5. I wear my hair in a bun everyday... and my husband told meyesterday he would prefer a ponytail... (so that's what I have on today). My bun is not normally sexy... just functional. I have to get it cut soon too because it is also long enough for a donation.

    1. My husband hasn't made any comments about buns or ponytails, but I think he likes it better when I wear it down.

      I love that you donate your hair, too. That is awesome.

  6. My hair is regularly in a ponytail or a sloppy bun. I just had a cut, so the front of my hair comes out of the hold, which is really annoying. I am constantly adjusting. That's great that you are donating. I met the founder of Locks of Love in December, and they have such a beautiful movement.

    1. I hate it when the back is long enough to go up, but the front slips out. I have had people cut it just that little bit too short before, and it was really annoying.

      Locks of Love does beautiful work.

  7. I would cut it so you'd HAVE to do something new with it! A little time for mom is never a bad thing!

    1. Oooh! That is a good idea. When I get it cut, I probably will be inspired to play around with it more.

  8. I seem to always have my hair in a messy bun as I get so hot!!cut it and give it a will grow back

    1. I get hot, too. And when my hair is long, it seems like it is always in my way.

  9. I always do the messy bun. I think the only reason it might look cute or neater is because my hair is now shorter. Yours is fine, you just need to take that extra loop/section of hair and twist it around to make it "bunnish" or tighter. Am I making any sense? I am the obvious ponytail/bun expert, of course. :P I like what she did but no way I could do it myself, even if my hair was longer again!

    1. That is a good idea!!

      I don't know that I'm going to be able to do that style by myself, either...but I'm thinking that Katarina might be able to help me. She loves doing hair.

  10. I can never get my hair to stay in a bun. My hair is super duper thick & curly, so it doesn't do much at all these days. lol

    1. It is much harder to do buns when you have thick hair.

  11. You can do a messy bun or sock bun until your hair is long enough to donate again. I wish I would have waited for mine to grow a little longer so I could have donated, also. I was just so impatient. I can still wear a small pony tail w/ my new style, but I do kind of miss my longer hair now.

    1. Oh no! Yours is so cute!

      I need to try a sock bun. I've watched the tutorials online, but haven't done it yet.

  12. My hair is finally long enough to wear in a "real" bun again, and I've been thinking about trying to sock bun. Give that a shot! :)

    1. I will! I've watched a couple of tutorials online, but haven't tried it for myself yet.

  13. I am going to be working outdoors this summer and HAVE to keep my long hair off my face and neck. I am going to practice the buns!! THANKS!

    1. Thanks! My husband is a tree surgeon, and sometimes I help him with jobs - working outside DEFINITELY requires getting the hair off of your face and neck.

  14. I would love to start doing a bun, I think that is very doable!

    1. Awesome! Let me know how it works for you. :)

  15. I have the biggest problem with doing my hair. I had short hair my whole childhood and teen years and I never really learned how to style longer hair! I keep mine in a messy-kind-of-cute ponytail and it gets old seeing it the same every day but I DON'T want to cut my hair. This is a constant dilemma for me! lol

    1. I never really learned how to do my either. It was long for most of my life, but other than french braiding, I never did anything more than brush it or stick it in a ponytail. I still don't really know how to use a curling iron well. There seems to be some secret that I just haven't learned.

  16. I wish I was better with hair cause I wear mine up all the time.

    1. I know what you mean. I wish I would have learned how to do hair back in my teens. I've always just worn it either down straight, or in a ponytail.

  17. My hair looks like that messy ponytail pic about 90% of the time LOL I used to wear my hair in a bun when I waited tables at Disney, I should start doing that again !!!

    1. LOL! I'm glad to know I'm not alone with my messy ponytail.

  18. I have long hair now and I am always looking for new ideas. My hair looks messy 99% of the time. lol I will check out this video maybe I can learn a trick or two.

    1. Awesome! I hope it gave you some inspiration.

  19. I have had bangs my whole life until about a month ago when I started wearing headbands. Not sure if I will grow my hair out though. The in between always drives me crazy!

    1. The in between is the worst!! I love cute headbands, but they tend to give me headaches after about an hour, so I can't really wear them everyday.

  20. I wear my hair in a bun, and I also wear it down with a bump on top :D

    1. Doing the bump is way beyond my hair styling skills! lol.

  21. I love the low ponytail and sometimes i do it in a low bun, and sometimes I do a low chignon, using a clear pony tail holder. (The disposable ones.)

    Another great thing to do, and it's one of my favorites that I always do for fancy events, is to pull my hair over to one side and start bobby pinning it to the side. Then I start twisting the rest of it around counter clockwise, pinning randomly as I go, until all of it is up off my neck and pinned in what looks like a low messy bun on the side.

    It's super easy and it looks really good. Good luck!

    1. That twisty-side-bun sounds REALLY cute!! I want to try that for sure.

  22. When I had long hair, I used to French braid it constantly. I somehow learned an "inside out" braid, so it would pop out away from my head (instead of tucked under like most). It was so cool and I got a ton of compliments on it! (Then I cut my hair to donate, and the only thing I regret now is not being able to do a super long french braid.)

    1. I can do the inside out French braid!! Was I learned how to French braid as a kid, I found it to be an easier way to do it. It does come out looking impressive. The great thing about cutting your hair is that it will grow back. I love that you donated it. That is awesome.

  23. My hair is really fine so I keep it in different styles of gives my hair that extra oomph.
    I love the messy bun look and I would love to have hair like that to do it.

    1. I love bobs - but they never look quite right on me.

  24. I think my thick hair is in a messy ponytail 99% of the time. I quickly rip it out whenever I want to converse with other people. Sometimes I think it's so obvious! I would love to have a solution that looks nice and is comfortable.
