
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Great American Pie Festival

Never-Ending Pie Buffet. I know those words got your attention, because everyone wants a never-ending buffet of pies. Right? I can not be the only person who has had that dream.

berry pie

This weekend the American Pie Council will be in Celebration, Fl for the Great American Pie Festival, where they will have a never-ending buffet of pies.

There will be pies from: Bakers Square Restaurants and Pies, Bonert’s Slice of Pie, Legendary Baking, Kroger’s Private Selection, Publix Super Markets Inc., Village Inn, Winn-Dixie, Wick’s Pies, and Cabot Cheese.

I intend to try each pie. Especially the tart ones like Key Lime and Cherry; they are my favorite. I'm not sure if I will meet that goal, but I am sure I will fully enjoy trying.

If a never-ending buffet of pie (seriously, I will never get tired of typing, or saying, those words...never-ending buffet of pie) is not enough to pull you out of your weekend pajamas, and down to Celebration, there will also be baking demonstrations, a pie eating contest, other pie related activities, and stuff for kids. It will be fun for everyone.

Now that your mouth is watering for some pie, let me give you the important details:
Saturday, April 27 11AM-7PM and Sunday, April 28 12PM-5PM
Lakeside Park 631 Sycamore St., Celebration, FL

The Never-Ending Pie Buffet is $10/person, and the children's area (which includes crafts and a bouncy house) is $10/child.

I hope to see you there!

What is your favorite kind of pie?

*I am receiving media tickets for this event, but all opinions and love of pie are my own. I was not required to say nice things


  1. Key Lime is my very favorite! I also really like Boston Creme, which is called pie but is actually more of a cake. =)

    1. Boston Creme is good, but it isn't really completely pie-like. I will let you know if they have it at the festival.

      I love Boston Creme doughnuts.

  2. OHMYGODILOVEPIE!!!! If FL was closer I would be in!

    1. It is a great excuse for a Florida weekend vacation!

  3. Pecan...isn't it almost time for Derby Pie??

    1. Mmmm. Pecan Pie is a classic. It is my daughter's favorite, too.

      What is Derby Pie?

  4. Stop.
    Stop it.
    A buffet of pies?
    Now this is just cruel.
    Send some to Canada.

    1. I have to be honest - pie would never make it from the festival, to my house, and to a post office without being eaten before it had a chance to travel to Canada.

  5. So.jealous. Have fun! And now I will know EXACTLY what you mean when you say you're eating "fruit" along with your "salad", "veggies", and "water". ;)

  6. Oh, man. One look at that pie picture and I was DROOLING!!!
    I'd sign up for a never ending pie buffet! Key lime, blueberry, apple...yes, yes, and yes!!
    Now I'm hungry!! --Lisa

  7. Yum Yum Yum!!!! I'd take just about ANY flavor of pie!!
    At the moment, I'm on Nutrisystem so I won't be attending-but I WILL be telling everyone I know to check it out and have a piece for ME!!!

  8. I love favourite is cheese and bacon.....but if you are talking about desert pies it has to be apple
