
Monday, April 08, 2013

Fixing Holes In The Story

My mom and Katarina have an American Girl book system - mom buys a set at Christmas, and sends them to Katarina two books at a time throughout the year. On Easter she sent books five and six instead of books three and four.

Every true reader knows you can not read a book series out of order. Each book builds upon the last one. Katarina set the books on her shelf, and I let mom know the wrong books were sent when I emailed her that the package arrived. Katarina was disappointed, but we did not stress about it; I knew mom would send the others when she had time.

Saturday evening we were on the phone, and mom said, "I can't believe I sent the wrong books." Her husband, Don, heard. He asked her about it as soon as we hung up the phone, and couldn't believe she had known for several days without doing anything to fix it.

American Girl Books On Shelf

The phone rang. It was Don, and he asked to speak to Katarina. Don told her that when we was a kid in Chicago, they were poor, but he always went to the movie theater on Saturday mornings to see the Superman serial. One week they did not have enough money for him to buy a ticket, and he missed part 12. It was sad, because it was shown for just one day. The next week he was behind in the story, and he never did get to see part 12. Then he said goodbye, and hung up.

When Katarina said goodbye, and handed the phone to me, I expected him to still be on the line, but he was gone. "I guess he just wanted to commiserate with you about missing part of a story," I said with a shrug when I heard the dial tone, and Katarina told me the Superman story. We went back to what we were doing, and did not give it more thought.

Two hours later, the phone rang again. It was my mom letting me know books three and four were on their way.

As soon as he got off the line with Katarina, Don had pulled the books out of the closet so they could mail them. Don and mom went to three places until they found someone who would send them out that night. It was important to him that Katarina was not left with holes in her storyline.

That moment of love and kindness from Don warmed my heart. It is a beautiful thing to fill in the holes of a story, and give a child something you did not have when you were small.

Dose Of Happy Monday


  1. I just love this - the whole system of books, the love and kindness of Don to make sure Katarina had them in order - just all of it. What a blessing. :)

    1. They are definitely a blessing in our lives.

  2. I may have just cried a little. What a beautiful story.

  3. I love this idea. What a great way for your daughter and your mother to stay connected - through books and reading.

    1. It is sad that my mom lives on the other side of the country, and we don't get to see her as often as I would like - but things like this help to make up for it (a bit).

  4. Awwww. That is the sweetest thing I've read today. How lucky she has them in her life.

  5. Gah! I'm crying here, Tracie! That last paragraph just gutted me with its beauty. I love this story so much. --Lisa

    1. *passes tissues*

      I cried too, when it happened.

  6. That is awesome. Don rules.
    They have the whole Superman shebang on Amazon. It's on VHS, but if he has access to a VCR it might make a nice gift.

    1. Seriously. You win the internet today!

      It is so very awesome that you found these.

  7. Oh I teared up. It is such a gift to give the things we didn't have to our kids -- especially the little things like stories in the right order because those are really the big things.

  8. What a sweet story! That was very kind of Don to do that for Katarina.

    1. He is a very kind man. We are blessed to have him in our lives.

  9. I love, love, love this story. What an amazing guy Don is that he would not only get the importance of the story but also take steps to fix the missing books that night.

    1. Amazing is a great word for him. We are blessed to have him in our lives.

  10. First of all--yey for love of American Girls :) I still have my complete book sets of Kirsten, Addy, Samantha, Molly, and Felicity (you know--the oldies but goodies) that I can't wait to pass down to Amber when she's old enough! I'm also looking forward to reading about the new girls! :)

    1. I love that you saved your AG books!! Amber is going to LOVE them. I've been enjoying reading about the new girls; I think you will like them.

  11. And second of all (hit post too soon) that is beyond sweet!! What a wonderful story of empathy and love!

  12. Don Rocks. We should all be aware of our chances to be Don - rather than tell a kid, "deal with it - I missed Superman when I was a kid, and I survived," we can do a little something, go a little out of our way, and make something good for someone, give them something we might have been denied at some time.

    I suspect doing this more often would inspire others to do it too.

    I love this place - I've been away too long!

    1. Don does rock!

      I am far too quick to be the "deal with it" person. I am going to think about this the next time I have a chance to fix something for someone else.

  13. What a lovely story. I'm glad that what happened touched him so much that he had to act right away. That is true caring.

    Good and healing thoughts to you all.


    1. It really is true caring. Such a beautiful example.

  14. What a great story! Don sounds like a true winner! Lucky mom you have and lucky grand daughter he has! ;)

    1. Truth.

      Don is awesome - we are all blessed to have him in our lives.

  15. Don sounds like a bloody awesome blog, I know what you mean about not reading books out of order but then I am a big book reader and do not like to read books out of order it just isn't right....

    1. I can't read books out of order either. It really does ruin the story.

  16. That is just pure awesome. It's funny how we remember things like that when we are older...and want to make it right.

  17. Love this, Tracie! How wonderful for your mom and Don to act so quickly to get the books sent out. Such a sweet story!

  18. How neat that your Mom is making that conection with reading for your daughter! My brother has been buying the Lemony Snicket books for my daughter and it's fun to see her get so excited over a book!

  19. First of all, the book series gifts are a wonderful practice and how nice that you and your mom created a gift strategy that captivated your daughter's attention and encourages her to read. Way to go! The analogy that you have written about - holes in a story - will be one I will think about all day, hoping I have not (inadvertently) left holes in bringing up our two children. Thanks.
    Over from SITS!

  20. Awwww DON! Mom too! How awesome is that? He got right on it immediately and made it happen. What a way to make someone, especially a child to feel important! I bet she'll remember that for the rest of her life! Awesome grandparents!
