
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

To Bang Or Not To Bang

My hair needs a change. It is always the same - longish, parted in the middle, and straight. I do not have great hairstyling abilities, so I always feel a little lost when I try to come up with something new and exciting.

I do not want to dye it, because that takes a lot of work and money to maintain.

I do not want a perm. Do people still get perms? (Other than grandmas - my grandma has a perm.) I had one in eighth grade when my hair was really long, before the great haircut freak out of 1997, but I haven't considered one since then.

What else is there to do with hair that does not involve shaving all or parts of it off?

Bangs? I could maybe do bangs.
That would be new and different. Possibly exciting.

There is one problem with bangs. Because I have parted my hair in the middle for so long, they naturally want to part themselves in the middle.

I had bangs in high school, and I tried to make them cooperate with curling irons, hair spray, repeated brushing and combing, curlers, the hairdryer, and tears of frustration - I never figured out the trick. I did burn my forehead several times with the curling iron, though.

I watched this video on how to style blunt bangs, and he makes it look so easy.

Is this how you have been doing it for all these years?
Yes, you, with the cute bangs? Is this how you do it?

I think I need a hair intervention.

What do you think - should I go for the bangs?

Pssst! If you watch that video all the way to the end, you can enter for a chance to win $100, $250 or more...and you can tell me if this is how you make your bangs look cute. I need to know.

Prizes & Promotions page on
Sweeps Rules (3/27-4/2):


  1. For the record, I think you have great hair! Instead of bangs, why not try long layers (maybe even with LONGER bangs) just to see how the part would work? Since you've been parting your hair in the middle, it is trained to do that and may cause you grief. A long, straight bob would look so cute on you!

    I struggle with the "do I want bangs" idea a LOT! My hair stylist quickly reminds me how long it took me to grow them out (and I run a lot and always have a pony tail). The sweat mixed with bangs touching my forehead wouldn't be a good combo. Plus, I have a stubborn part and my bangs always stick out regardless of how much heat or product I use!

    1. I love the idea of doing longer bangs (and I LOVE that picture idea you sent me - super cute).

      Growing them out takes SO long, and that thought has held me back from taking the plunge more than once.

  2. Wow - watching that video, I didnt realize you had to do so much work to get your bangs straight.
    Bangs are VERY in right now... I did it once but took forever to grow them back out so I always steer clear of them.
    & yes, perms are still around. a Coworker just got one & it was actually really cute... not tight - but nice loose curls/wave in her hair now.
    I'm sure whatever you decide, it'll be beautiful!

    1. I like the idea of a perm with lose curls. I would love to have lose curls without daily work. Hmmm.

  3. I think your hair is beautiful. I would kill to have your pretty straight hair.. You can get bangs those would be cute too.. this from the woman who keeps her white girl fro pulled back in a bun lol

    1. Awww. Thank you. I spend a lot of time with my hair up in a bun or ponytail, too.

  4. Do it. It's fun to switch things up a bit. And I pinned something recently about 10 cute ways to put up your bangs if they start to drive you mad.
    Also? The name of this post is awesome. #mymindlivesinthegutter

    1. hehe. I couldn't resit the title.

      I am going to go look at that pin. If I go for the bangs, I know I will eventually need it.

  5. I can't answer because I don't have cute bangs and I had the most heinous ones in high school that took years to grow out..but I have wavy, thick hair and it definitely didn't look right. I still say go for it, though. They can be quite fetching!

  6. I love bangs and have had them for most of my life - simply because I look better with them! Best part - if you're in a hurry, just blow out the bangs and ponytail the rest of your hair. If you do it, I totally want a photo!

  7. I can't do bangs--my forehead is too small. Not to mention I can't go in and get them trimmed every week or however regularly you're supposed to get them done! I just cut my hair short. Shorter than I wanted but I'm thinking I like the new do.

  8. {Melinda} I can't ever remember not having bangs! We have a love-hate relationship. I can't ever seem to get them to look quite right, but I'd feel completely naked without them! I've done a variation of what they showed on the video, but they didn't turn out as stylish as hers! Still, I think you should go for it. Bangs really make you eyes pop and are a relatively easy way to get a new look that's not too drastic. :)

  9. No, nobody gets perms any more. I wish they did though, I totally miss big curly poufy hair!
    I say go with long bangs & layers.

  10. I've had some type of bangs for my entire life. I have what we call a large forehead.
    I do not cut them myself and I am lucky that my hairdresser cuts them for free between cuts.
    I don't trust myself with sharp objects near my face.
    But they are very versatile. You can push them to the side when you don't want them. It's the growing out part that's a bitch.

  11. I don't have bangs. I haven't had them since junior high school. After my own great haircut fiasco. Why does that happen to us all? I will watch the video soon but I wanted to add that a haircut can be oddly liberating. Says me who does it once every year and a half. And just does a straight long chop. :)

  12. Hair on my forehead drives me nuts, so no bangs for me. Not in the traditional bang-y style anyway. How about layering? And longer bangs?

  13. Everytime I do bangs I regret it. Then they take forever to grow out. And I repeat the same mistake. Again... :)

  14. I want bangs but I'd have to live in the desert to have them - any humidity and they just curl into perfect ringlets (sadly, this does not happen with my hair that's long than bang length), so I have long face framing layers that I recommend. Or you could just try moving your part around - it gives you a different look with no actual commitment.

  15. I wouldn't do bangs, but I would try the longer layers look...but I have to say - if you want to go really different, go with a pixie cut!

  16. I had a perm a coupld of years back it looked ok just not me and right now I need it cut short again it is starting to bother me so I am going to get hubby to cut it over the weekend........I am not one for a fringe or as you say bangs.......

  17. Hi! Dropping by from Sharefest. I have always had bangs and they suit my face shape...which his long, so the bangs break it up. However, my daughter is growing out her bangs (taking 1+ year--ugh) and I really think her face shape is more suitable to NOT having bangs. Good luck!

  18. Here from Sharefest! Bangs overwhelm me. They are one of those things that look good on some and awful on others. You are brave if you go for it! Keep us posted!

  19. You should do long bangs to the side....they are usually pretty easy to style...and if they are longer a little bit of weight might help them stay to the side instead of the middle. Go for it girl!

  20. I think it would look great on you! BUT for me, bangs were too hard to maintain. I would end up pinning them back everyday. Good luck!

    Stopping by from SITS Sharefest ;)

  21. I was in a hair rut too - similar style to you as well - long and straight. I opted for the side bangs. I think it added a little more visual interest to my face, but didn't feel like the big commitment of the blunt bangs. Stopping by from SITS Sharefest.

  22. I got bangs because I have a large forehead and wanted it to be less obvious. Problem is m bangs part of the side and won't stay down on m forehead.

  23. A little change is always good - and if you don't like them, you can always grow them out. I don't really have bangs now (because my hair is sort all around,) but I have had both. There are good hair days and bad hair days with any hairstyle, isn't there?

  24. The great thing about hair is that it grows. Bangs today, gone in a few months.

  25. Go for bangs! And hey, if they don't work out, you can always pin them back. I'm all about taking risks with my hair, and so far, I haven't regretted it. Stopping by from SITS :) I'd love for you to drop by and visit my blog if you get the chance. Oh, and Happy Easter!

    Diary of a Debutante

  26. I'm *so* excited that bangs are finally back in style! I had them all growing up but then when I got married *no one* had them so I grew mine out. As you know I recently got them again though--and I'm loving them! I got them cut a little bit longer so most days I can just push them out of my face/eyes so they won't bug me and I don't have to constantly go get them re-trimmed
