
Friday, March 08, 2013

Old School Blogging

When I began blogging back in the dark ages (it was 2006 - I was using dial-up internet, y'all, it was rough), blogging was a small community. Bloggers made lists and challenges, and passed them around by tagging fellow bloggers (like this list that proves that I have always watched too much television).

Elaine at The Miss Elaine-ous Life and Heather at Theta Mom are bringing back old school blogging. I'm giving into my nostalgia by participating, and answering these seven questions.

Old School Blogging

1. What were you doing 10 Years Ago?
Ten years ago, I was pregnant. That means I can pretty much guarantee I was either in bed trying not to throw up, in the bathroom actually throwing up, or at the hospital getting iv treatments to treat dehydration from so much throwing up (while trying not to throw up). That took up eight months of my year, and the rest is pretty much a blur. But at the end of all that, in August, Katarina was born. Totally worth it.
Thomas, Tracie, and Baby Katarina
(Could this picture be any grainier? I don't think so.)

2. What 5 things are on your to do list?
Write blog posts. (My real goal is to write and scheduling ahead of time.)
Work on things for Band Back Together.
Dishes and Laundry.
Homeschool Preparations.

3, What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
Tortilla Chips and Salsa.
Graham Crackers and Milk.

4. Name some things you would do if you were a millionaire
  • Buy land with a house for my family that has special rooms set up for my grandma, and a house for extended family to stay.
  • Support some charities that I love.
  • Help some special friends who need a blessing.
  • Sponsor a missionary.
  • Travel.
  • ....and buy books.
You knew that last one was coming, right? They would fit nicely in the library I would have in that house I mentioned. Maybe something like this?
Belle's Library from Beauty And The Beast
(Yes, this is Belle's Library.)

5. Name some places you have lived
A house in the desert.
A house at the bottom of a hill.
An apartment.
A house in the woods.
A parsonage.
A hotel.
The world of books.

6. Name some bad habits you have
Picking at the skin around my nails.
Staying up too late.
Talking loudly.

7. Name some jobs you have had
Telemarketer - I was 14, and needed to pay for my private school tuition.
Sandwich maker at Subway.
Bookstore - I did a little bit of everything, and also ran the music department.
Administrative Assistant.

I want to know more about YOU. What are your answers?


  1. Love this idea! Also, #4: my husband and I have always joked about building a family compound. Also, I would totally do the rest of the stuff on that list :)

    1. A family compound would be so perfect! And it would be even better if you had friends build family compounds next door to yours ;-)

  2. Oh! I might have to do this! I've been complaining for TWO YEARS about the decline in Old School Bloggers (Why yes! I do have a tendency to hold onto ideals a little too long sometimes.)

    It makes me *cringe* when I see someone refer to their tumblr as a blog ...

  3. Hmmmm ... either I lost my comment or I'm going to publish it twice!

    I've been complaining for TWO YEARS about the decline in Old School bloggers, I think I'll do this little meme.

    I might even tag a few others who I know are still out here ;)

    1. I had to leave both comments so I can say....YES! I cringe when people refer to tumblr as a blog, too. Tumblr is a whole separate thing - there is aspects that are similar to blogging, but that does not make it a blog. /rant

      I love that you might tag people in it. That is totally old school.

  4. Enjoyed learning more about you Tracey. Sandie

  5. That is QUITE the library! WOW!

    Thanks for linking up - hope you'll join us again next month for more OSB fun! :)

    1. It is Belle's library from Beauty and the Beast. But the fact that it is animated will not stop me from dreaming of building a similar one with my fictional millions of dollars.

  6. 1. What were you doing 10 Years Ago?
    I was 20, which means that I was married. I think I was living in the best house I've ever lived in (seriously, huge yard, small pool, sunroom, study, fireplace, bar, enormous kitchen and a granny flat for my mother in law) with my (now) ex's entire family. I didn't do much except love on my nieces & nephews and my cats.

    2. What 5 things are on your to do list?
    For today: REST, catch up on deviantArt

    For "eventually": Visit Tasmania (road trip, also taking in Sydney/NSW and Melbourne along the way); have a baby; get this "doggy day out" playtime happening & eventually [hopefully] have it evolve into a wider community activity

    3, What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
    Chocolate. Mmm, chocolate.
    Salt n vinegar/light & tangy potato chips
    Fruit. (Most of them)
    More chocolate.

    (That makes me seem SO unhealthy, but I should clarify that just because I enjoy them doesn't mean I regularly eat them! lol)

    4. Name some things you would do if you were a millionaire
    1-- Buy a house -- probably 5 or 6 bedrooms -- big enough to have a guest room or two, a craft room and childrens' bedrooms. I'd love if it also had a playroom. Also it would need to have plenty of yard for animals so I can take in more fosters.
    2-- Buy a Ninja motorbike (green) for my other half, and a new with warranty 4x4 4-door ute/pickup for camping.
    3-- Help out several charities/organisations for animals and children, as well as donate money towards pregnancy/infant loss awareness/support organisations.
    4-- Bank some -- it can accrue interest and cover all the crazy costs we suddenly incur that we usually can't sort out.
    5-- Do the aforementioned Tasmania trip; but also go to the Phillippines since my other half really wants to visit there.

    5. Name some places you have lived
    A house with a fireplace. (see first description where I waxed poetic about that house) :p
    A unit with a nasty body corp.
    A unit with (mostly) fantastic neighbours.
    A house on quarter acreage
    A caravan park

    6. Name some bad habits you have
    Picking at my face
    Being loud without meaning to -- talking, laughing, walking, EVERYTHING
    Making friends with people who are particularly unhealthy for me
    Skipping meals
    Not tidying up after myself (I'm MESSY)

    7. Name some jobs you have had
    Childcare worker (I have been both group leader and assistant as well as float)
    Child minder
    Filing (for my MIL)
    Cleaner (for my MIL)
    Coordinator/admin for a pet loss register helping to reunite lost & found pets with their owners (volunteer)

  7. Old school is so relative. I noticed mention of twitter on one of the blogs starting this and of course you don't need to go back too far to remember a world without twitter.
    I think the 2006 using dial-up caught my attention. Seems like months since I visited your blog. The sound of dial up is becoming a faint memory. That sure was slow. Often these questions are too gender specific but this list can easily apply in the co-ed blog world. I might try my hand at them. One of the first meme blog games I played back years ago was Spin Cycle. Ever try that one?

  8. Graham crackers are pretty much the only way you can get me to drink milk. Love these answers!

  9. Is that the Beauty and the Beast library? That's the only one fitting enough for you. ;-)

    Hey - you never told me how you liked Arabella and whether you're going to read any more?

  10. I love this. I want to answer: 7. Name some jobs you have had

    Urban Innkeeper
    Pizza Deliverer
    Software Sales Rep
    Professional Photographer

  11. Enjoyed getting to know you. Visiting from SITS.

  12. Stopping by from SITS... I love this. I had an old school blog-started in 2004 :-) Think I'm going to have to join this link up!

  13. I could totally deal with Bell's library too. It's pretty legit. As long as I got to wear her yellow dress too ;)

    Love doing surveys! This is a fun one!

  14. Oh I love this! And I would DIE for Belle's library! I need to remember to do this link up. I love it!

  15. Man, I so wish I had cared about blogging 10 years ago vs. just getting in on it now- but I guess better late than never- that must have been great to be a pioneer!

  16. I love books! Some jobs I've had.... paper routes from 4th grade through 12th, telemarketing assistant, Resident Advisor at college dorms for 2 years, book keeper assistant, chart librarian, receptionist, odd jobs at a large dental practice - cleaning instruments and copying x-rays, accounts payable assistant, Liason between production dept and accounts management at a payroll company, systems analyst for production dept, web designer, mom, wife, PTA communications, webmaster, and secretary, homeschooler.

  17. Belle's library...oh I would never want to leave! Awesome post! I am gonna do a post like this in the future. I love how your readers learn more about you in one post! I am glad I found your blog through SITS Sharefest!

    Happy Sunday!


  18. Love old school blogging! I started in 2008, and who knew I'd be still blogging? Let's see, I've been a Pizza Hut waitress, and a temp legal secretary, and a teacher.

  19. Ugh - I'm such a procrastinator! Should have put that on my list. :-)

    I would buy books, too, and have a master carpenter build me floor-to-ceiling shelves all over the house (with one of those cool, sliding ladders!).
