
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fall In Love With Your Art

Walk away. Look for the fun. Move on.

Does that sound like the secret to success?

It is part of my new writing plan. Permission to take a break. Permission to not be perfect the first time (or the second, or even the third). Permission to find the fun.

Taking away the pressure is exactly what I needed to fall deeper in love with writing, and strengthen my voice.

Fall In Love With Your Art And Find Yourself Quote

Today I am at Just Be Enough sharing 5 things I am doing to nurture my writing this year.

What do you do to nurture your writing or any other creative passion?

Just Be Enough Button


  1. Loved your advice on the site and love the photo here! You are such an inspiration.

  2. Heading on over to read your guest post. Thanks so much for visiting my blog today!

    1. You are so very welcome! Have a great day.

  3. Ooooh, that's great! I'm going over to read right now!

  4. Heading over now to check out your 5 things!

  5. Sometimes when I was on deadline and feeling stressed and unable to keep going I'd take a walk around the block and then come back and finish writing what needed finishing. Sometimes you can be too close to the project and just need to back off for a few minutes or a few hours to shake the creativity loose.

    1. Taking a walk is a great way to loosen the creativity. I love it.

  6. Love your 5 things - they are spot on. I've bookmarked that page for when the time is right for me to dig back in. Taking a break to attend to something mundane clears my mind and gets the creativity focused again. Usually that mundane chore is something to do with the dishes. The husband jokes that it takes me hours to unload the dishwasher because I'll start a project, unload a few dishes, go back to the project, unload some more, and so forth. Can't tell you how many times he's cracked to the kids "Oh, the diswasher is open. Mom is writing again."

    1. It makes me happy to hear you bookmarked it (on several levels!). There is something about doing dishes (and taking showers) that makes good ideas come.

      Your open dishwasher story cracked me up.

  7. I am taking a writing class right now and that is exactly the advice from my teacher -- write it as fast as you can, walk away, and then come back and give it detailed attention. This is hard for me. I get lost on the details and I'm trying to give myself more freedom. Must be something about the name Traci(e) -- haha?

    1. So awesome!

      Traci(e)s do seem to share traits ;-)

  8. Yes it is totally ok to step away...your writing will thank you for it :)
