
Friday, February 22, 2013

What Does MT Mean On Twitter?

"Is that a typo? Why does her RT say MT?" That was what I thought the first time I saw MT in a tweet. It did not take long for me to notice MT being used more frequently, and I realized it must actually mean something important.

Twitter What Is A MT?

What is a MT on Twitter? MT means Modified Tweet.

When should you use MT? Anytime you retweet something with a change to the original tweet, it is appropriate to use MT instead of RT.

When you retweet someone, it is not uncommon to find you need to edit their tweet to stay within the character limits, especially if you want to add a comment. This is a perfect opportunity to use the MT. You can share the original tweet, and add your comment, while letting people know there is more to the quote. It does not take up any more space than a RT would, and everyone is happy.

Another time to use the MT is if you want to change or add a hashtag to share the tweet with another twitter community. This will ensure that people know you are adding the hashtag, and introducing this tweet into the conversation.

Used correctly, a MT is a great way to build upon thoughts and conversations that are happening on twitter. A MT is not a license to misquote people, or twist their words to give them another meaning.

Do you use MT when you modify a tweet?


  1. Never heard of it before now. I don't spend much time on Twitter. I shall use it, when appropriate, in the future.

    1. Twitter is a lot of fun, but it can also be a real time suck.

  2. Yes! Thank you. Been wondering what it meant but always forgot to look it up.

    1. It took me a long time to look it up, too. :) Happy to help!

  3. Replies
    1. It seems like something new or some new way to do something in social media comes out almost every day.

  4. I always wondered about this. I often modify tweets/RTs to make them fit into 140 characters, so I should be doing this. Thanks for sharing this, I feel like such a moron!


    1. I was using RT even with changes for a long time before I found out about the MT. It is something that a lot of people don't know about, so it doesn't put you anywhere near moron status. xoxo

  5. I had no idea about MT. Good to know!

    1. :) There seems to be new things almost every day with social media.

  6. I wondered if MT was a typo, too, but then I saw it too often! Glad to know what it means--now I can use it!

    Happy SITS Sharefest!

    1. Awesome!! I'm glad to help. Happy tweeting.

  7. mystery solved, thanks!! :)

    Stopping in from the SITS Sharefest
    The 5th Level of Motherhood

    1. You are very welcome. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  8. Ah! Mystery solved. Thanks for the info. Visiting from SITSgirls.

  9. Oh, that's what it is! I've been wondering about it myself. Thx for sharing :)

    Dropping by from SITS

  10. Interesting ...

    I think we (said generally) are taking some of this a little too far. We've talking 140 characters here. Not much of a thought can be communicated in 140 characters, and now I'm supposed to use MT if I delete an "and" or contract a word like industrial to indst'l?? I don't know ... I think this is unnecessary.

    1. I don't think it is a huge deal if you are just shortening a word like that. But if you are cutting words out of the original tweet, it allows people to know that there is more to the original statement if they want to look at it.

  11. Sometimes I just send the RT and let Twitter truncate it. Maybe the MT with chsnges would be better.

    1. I'm always afraid it won't go through if it doesn't fit in the 140 characters.

  12. I've seen MT before - now I know what it is. Thanks for enlightening us.

  13. I didn't realize that. Something new all the time! Stopped by from the Saturday Sharefest. Have a great Saturday!

    1. Social media changes almost every day. It is crazy out there.

  14. I totally had to google MT when I first started noticing it. Now, I love it!

  15. While I do have a twitter account, and automatically link my blog posts, I am not a tweeter. The jury is still out if I am okay with that...

    Happy weekend!

    1. I know what you mean. Twitter is great, but it can also be a big time suck. I go through phases with it - spend a lot of time on there talking for days, and then cut back to just a few tweets of my links or things I'm reading.

      Happy weekend to you!

  16. I try to remember to use it, but my brain doesn't always work. (And I had to ask the mancakes what it was when I first saw it. He's my Twitter tutor and enabler haha.)

    1. My brain doesn't always work either - and applies to so many aspects of my life.

  17. Noted! I had no idea! however, I'm not smart enough to ever change a tweet. So at least I know I haven't RT'd when I should have MT'd. LOL

    1. LOL!! Sometimes it helps to just keep things simple. You never have to worry about all the new things.

  18. Good to know. I haven't seen MT before but that's probably because I only get on Twitter once a week for a few minutes

  19. Hi Tracie! I clicked on this link from the Sharefest yesterday. Thanks for sharing. I mostly tweet and barely enough time to scroll through my TL these days however this good information that I needed to know.

  20. Hi Tracie! Stopping by from Sharefest slightly late! Glad I did, I had no idea what MT was. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Thanks - I've seen that a couple times recently and hadn't taken the time to look it up :)

  22. totally didn't know this!!! Very good to know and it definitely makes sense!--you're the best ;)
