
Sunday, February 03, 2013

We Watch Puppies Bowl

The first Super Bowl was played the year my husband was born.

I was born on a Super Bowl Sunday.
(My mom's OB was not very happy to be her doctor that day.)

Thomas and I are Super Bowl connected. It is a special bond.

Katarina has picked her own Bowl game to love, and she has pulled us into it, too. It is similar to the Super Bowl, but it comes with fuzzy cuteness.

The Puppy Bowl. The first puppy bowl was played the year Katarina was born.

Watching Puppy Bowl With Puppies
This is Katarina watching the Puppy Bowl with all of her puppies three years ago. I expect the scene will look similar later today.

We love it - the puppies, the kitten halftime show, @meepthebird, the blimp flown by hamsters, the hedgehog cheerleaders - we love it all.

We want to have a hedgehog cheerleader come live with us. And a puppy.

Is your family watching a Bowl game today?

*The puppies don't actually bowl, but I'm sure that is because they know they can't bowl nearly as amazingly as I do. It is a gift.


  1. My older son was born 16 years ago on Super Bowl Sunday. My husband's team, the Patriots, were in it, and we watched part of the game that night from my hospital bed. Cute pic!

    1. That is so fun!! I hope he has a great birthday (and his team wins tonight).

  2. As much as I love all things cute and cuddly oddly enough I've never seen the Puppy Bowl. I think I'll try to catch it today. I just went and followed @meepthebird on Twitter.

    1. You will LOVE it! We've been watching for about four years, now.

  3. I haven't watched a superbowl game in years. I'm just not that interested in football anymore; maybe it's the shoulder pads.

    1. LOL! Best comment.

      Now I'm going to think of you tonight when I see shoulder pads.

  4. I am a football junkie and my home state has a bird in the fight. LaMichael James from the 49ers is a former University of Oregon Duck. So we'll be rooting for James to score some points and do Oregon proud. I've never seen the Puppies (HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!) but I'll try to check them out today :) Sending love to you and yours!

    1. Fun! I like football, but I don't really have a preference for either of these teams.

      You will love the puppies! And all the cute and cuddlies with them. Sending a ton of love back at you!

  5. We might have to check out the Puppy Bowl. Last year we started having a family Super Bowl party - the kids make posters and we eat party food for dinner. I used to be really into football, but it's a lot harder when I don't have time to hang out at sports bars!

    1. That sounds like a fun way to get the kids involved. Who are y'all pulling for this year?

      The Puppy Bowl is a must.

  6. awww. I love Katrina's fuzzy cuteness bowl. I know nothing about football and yours and your husband's stories are the kind of super bowl stories I love.

  7. Aww, Puppies Bowl sounds cute.

    We don't have Superbowl here, all I really understand about it is... some sort of sports... thing? And cheerleaders? And a billion ads?

    Yeah, I'm not so worldly. ;)

    1. That pretty much overs it!!

      The Puppy Bowl is much cuter.

  8. Awwww, seriously love the picture! Hope you have fun watching the puppy bowl! (I've been watching the 'real bowl') haha!

    1. I had to use's one of my favorites!
      (we watched the real one, too)
