
Friday, February 08, 2013

Sandwiches And Donuts Make A Perfect Afternoon

I visited Dunkin' Donuts for a menu sampling with some other bloggers earlier this week. This is basically the most perfect thing to do on a Tuesday afternoon.

These are the Valentine's Day Donuts we tried:

They were all great, but the Brownie Batter filled heart with chocolate icing and white sprinkles was my favorite.

After trying all the donuts (twice, and I'm not even ashamed, because they were that yummy), I did something I never expected to do at a donut shop...I ate something that was not a donut.
Turkey Cheddar and Bacon Sandwich
They gave us breakfast sandwiches and bakery sandwiches to try, and I really enjoyed them. I would be willing to go there specifically to get the Turkey, Cheddar & Bacon with Ancho Chipotle Sauce. It was that good. Of course, I would get a donut, too, since I was there.

What else is Dunkin' Donuts known for besides donuts? Coffee.

For Valentine's Day they have several coffee drinks that have dark chocolate in them. As I am a firm believer in the health benefits of dark chocolate (and the taste benefits) I tried them all. The Dark Chocolate Mocha Frozen Coffee Coolatta was amazing, but the drink I loved the most was the Dark Hot Chocolate. It was not the fanciest drink I tried, but it was perfect. My new favorite hot chocolate.

Dunkin Donuts Coffee and Drinks
More than 20 drink choices - but you really need to dry the Dark Hot Chocolate.
I'm sure I have made you completely hungry now. If you are in Central Florida, you can try any of the Bakery Sandwiches for $2.99 through the end of February. You might see me there with my Turkey sandwich.

You can also find Dunkin' Donuts on Facebook and Twitter @DDCentFla.

*Legal Stuff: I was provided with menu samples. I was not compensated in any other way, and I was not required to say nice things. 


  1. Wonderful pictures to go with! I'm eager to try Starbucks Blonde. Have you been there done that yet?

  2. I'm extremely jealous. There is no Dunkin Donuts within anything approaching a reasonable drive time from me. There isn't even a Krispy Kreme close by (unless you consider a 45+ minute drive to be close by). Now I want donuts. And coffee.

    1. You need to come visit me, and we will go for donuts and coffee!

  3. My ultimate favorite hot chocolate is the Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate from Starbucks. Fortunately for my diet it is not currently in the budget!

    1. I have not tried it. If you are looking to splurge on your diet, the Dark Hot Chocolate might be a little more friendly to your budget.

  4. A menu sampling? Lucky you! Did they just open? I live in the heart of DD territory (company was founded in a town just south of Boston) and the closest we get to menu sampling is choosing something different each time we go there. :)

    1. It was crazy awesome!!

      The store we visited is fairly new, and really nice with a conference room you can use for meetings. I didn't know DD was from Boston.

      Choosing something different every time we visit is the kind of menu sampling I usually do, too. ;-)
