
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Parental Trauma At The Dentist Office

Katarina had to go to the dentist last week. (Yes, it was the dentist who looks younger than me.) She needed sealants on her molars, and two tiny fillings in spots that were just barely cavities.

When it was time for the fillings, the dentist was fast with the Novocain. He hid the needle behind him, warned that there would be pinch, and went for it. That worked great for the first shot; Katarina protested that it hurt more than a pinch, but by then he was already finished.

When the dentist moved to do the second one, she knew what was coming, and the tears and an unhappy screech filled the room.

Thomas was already halfway out of his chair, and headed toward dentist with a loud, "Hey man! That is enough. They aren't even really cavities!" before the shot was finished.

I reached out and pulled him back into his seat as the dentist turned, took a step toward Thomas, chest puffed out, saying, "Oh really? They aren't cavities?" At this moment, the dental assistant stepped in, diffusing the situation by discussing the procedure.

The interaction between Thomas and the dentist took five seconds at the most, but it was a very testosterone-filled five seconds.

The dentist and assistant left to give the Novocain a chance to work. When the assistant returned, she said that office policy is parents can not be in the room during the filling. She agreed to let me stay, as long as Thomas sat in the waiting room (I think that might not be a real policy).

It took less than ten minutes to do both fillings; the paperwork took longer than the actual procedure. It was really no big deal, and would have gone faster if Katarina hadn't asked him questions about every single thing he was doing. She didn't even flinch when we heard a child one room away screaming about x-rays.

When we got back to the waiting room, I asked Thomas what he was doing while we were in the back room. He said he could hear the child screaming from the waiting room, and thinking it was Katarina screaming, it was too painful to sit and listen to it.

He left the office, went to the *bar next door, and ordered a shot of tequila. When the bartender looked at his shaking hands, he explained that his daughter was next door getting a cavity filled.

Sometimes a trip to the dentist can be more traumatic for the parents than it is for the kids.

*I don't know which came first, the dentist or the bar, but someone was very smart when they picked the location for their business.


  1. This has me shaking with laughter! And yes, someone was very smart about their business location :)

  2. I had to restrain my child for a root canal. I couldn't believe it when the dentist said that the snuggle boards (the boards they strap your child into to keep them from reaching out an punching the dentist in the face) was a "horrible contraption" but that a loving parent pinning her child down while they both cried was acceptable.
    I hate dentists and I would have done anything for a couple of shots myself!

    1. That is awful! I can't even imagine having to do that. I would have needed shots after that experience, too.

  3. Oh wow.. yeah here they will sedate the kids before if they have troubles. They gave Jesse a mild nerve pill before he had his wisdom teeth extracted because he freaks out. I agree the business placement was wonderful. I hope Thomas and Katarina are both ok.. God help her first boyfriend seriously lol

    1. LOL! It will not go well for him - whoever he is. Poor boy.

      She really did fine after the shot was over. I can definitely see the wisdom in sedating before a wisdom tooth extraction, though. Scary.

  4. LOL at Thomas! So glad she handled it like a champ! :)

  5. Yep, somebody was pretty genius putting that bar next door to the dentist.

    1. It should probably be listed in a smart-business-practices list somewhere as the place to locate a bar.

  6. lol! Had to laugh:) Sometimes it really does "hurt" the parent more than the child. Thanks for sharing a funny story.

  7. I so hate the dentist. I'm a tad phobic of them.
    I've never heard of parent's having to wait in the waiting room. Weird.

    1. I'm very sure that is not a real policy - it was just the policy for Thomas.

      Dentists don't really bother me, but I know a lot of people who are afraid of them.

  8. I'm not a dentist fan (who is?) so I really don't look forward to taking my daughter in the future. I'd much rather go myself than watch her go through getting a filling. Still.. putting a bar next to the dentist? Great idea. I only just realized that it's the same with my dentist.

    1. I love that your dentist is by a bar too. Maybe it is more common than I realize? I'm going to have to start paying attention to dentist's offices now and see.

      It is always worse to see your kids go through something than to go through it yourself. The joys of parenthood.

  9. Oh goodness, poor Thomas! :) I'm glad everything turned out ok! Way to be a trooper, Katarina!!

    1. She was awesome! Thomas will probably never return to the dentist again. lol.

  10. What a daddy! He was just in daddy mode and couldn't help himself.....that's so cute! Twenty bucks says, your little Katarina will tell this same story to all of her girlfriends twenty years from now. Nothing's better than re-telling heroic moments about your daddy. =)

    1. I'm sure you are right. It is definitely a story worth retelling.

  11. I think so too! We just can't bear our children to be hurt or in pain...! I

    1. It is one of the toughest things in parenthood, really.

  12. My dentist is located on the street (Broad St., Phila.) where all the funeral parlors are. I wonder if I should be alarmed. LOL

    1. LOL! Uh oh. That sounds like it could be dangerous.

  13. Haha ,glad Thomas found a way to calm his nerves! Great story, happy Sharefest!

  14. I am glad that it all turned out alright. I know where my sister takes her kids they don't let either parent back with them when they take the child in. They speak to them afterwards.

    1. Interesting. I wonder if any of the kids feel more scared because they don't have a parent with them?

  15. We haven't had to do the cavity thing yet and I'm wondering how my husband would handle it. I guess he probably won't, since I'm the one who takes them to the dentist most of the time. After reading your story, I'm thinking that's a good thing.

  16. I'm smiling with this post and then thinking.... "Hmmm, when our son is born on Monday, I know I'm going to be a serious Momma Bear".... I might have to leave the dentist room too. Lol.

    1. Those Momma Bear moments will happen.

      Congratulations on your new son. That is wonderful!

  17. Dropped by from SITS Sharefest. Hilarious. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. I haven't had to experience this yet... but I'm already traumatized just thinking about it. If I'm lucky, I'll find a dentist with a bar INSIDE the office - that way I could calm myself and not have to leave my kid's side. ;)

    1. Ah! That is an even more brilliant idea.

      Just think of all the businesses that should have bars located inside them. This could be the way to turn the economy around.

  19. Oh dear! Thomas is sensitive! :-) Glad it was "just" the dentist.

    I've never really minded going to the dentist, but then my teeth are in fairly good shape. I really need to get my kids there though.

    1. He is - sensitive and sweet.

      I never had any big dentist fears, either, although my teeth aren't in that great of shape. But I do have this story about the time I had to have a tooth pulled with no numbing or anesthesia (not something I would recommend).

  20. So tough to hear your child in pain. Yes, the bar owner picked a very strategic location, lol!

    1. It really is. One of the hardest things about parenthood, and you can't even imagine how hard it is until it happens.

  21. Another reason I love our dentist's office!! They play hide and seek with whichever kid is not getting a checkup. The staff there is amazing! My kids have never had an issue there despite fillings and flossing and other not-so-fun things. Now if I could just get my husband there!!

    1. That is so much fun!! I want to go to your dentist's office.

  22. This sounds so much like MY first trip to the dentist! I'm glad I've never had to relive that with my own kids.
