
Saturday, February 02, 2013

Not Broken Beyond Repair

On Saturdays, I like to share one great thing I read during the week.
Today, this is that thing:

People Have Loved Me Even When I Didn't Want To Be Loved

This is a beautiful post from my friend Jackie about being broken, and finding beauty in healing.

"I feel like I turned a corner that day because I felt all my emotions. I didn’t fall apart and I wasn’t broken beyond repair. And I also realized that there was more than just the pain."

Who has loved you in your brokenness?


  1. I understand where your friend Jackie might have been. I felt broken and stuck about two years into my recovery from addiction, and I remember sobbing and wailing until I finally just fell asleep next to my Sunshine. When I woke up, I felt like I might not be broken forever. And I had friends to lend me their strength until I could find my own. Today, you are one of those friends, and I am grateful for that. #thisiswhyiloveyou

    1. I'm grateful for you. Every day.

      Love that Sunshine was there for you in that moment.

      I remember when I was dealing with a lot of flashbacks and memories, there was this moment when I broke through the despair and began to really believe that life didn't have to be like that forever.

  2. In that moment of brokenness that takes our breath and our heartbeat, when we are fairly certain that pain is the ending of it all for us. God always puts someone in our path to grab our hand and shock us back to breath and heart beat with the knowledge of how to traverse the terrain of darkness and light with grace, mixed with ugliness and bitter tears of rage and anger. In their presence we learn our own strengths and just how weak our abusers really were. Because we have learned the beauty of life, of taking the next step and eventually the power of forgiveness, which removes their power and leaves them in their own bitter brokenness.

    1. Yes. Yes and amen.

      This is beautiful, Angel.

  3. This is so beautiful! I love the idea of sharing one good thing you read over the week.

    Personally, Jesus has always loved me when I was and sitll am broken in many ways. So thankful for His healing and unending grace to continue to love me.

  4. Wow. How true and how beautiful. I'm so glad you shared this today!

  5. Wow.

    I needed to see these words today. My boyfriend has held me together through some of the worst points in my life, without his love I know I would be broken. Thank you for reminding me that he is my strength when my own fails.

    1. He is a good man. I love that he takes care of you and loves you through it all.

      Love you.

  6. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.
