
Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Don't Make Me Choose Between Cookies and Books

I want to love everything about this Oreo commercial.

The whisper-fight. The cream or cookie alliances. The people who are so very passionate about their cookies (I can relate to that, really I can). The cop whispering into the bull horn.

But all I see is the books.

The beautiful books that are about to be sprayed by fire-hoses, and the pages flying everywhere.

Cookies and books. Love and hate. This commercial makes my brain hurt.

It also made me laugh. A lot.

Can't we all just sit down with a package of Oreos, and a nice book? I would like mine to be Double Stuffed. (I guess that makes me Team Cream.) The cookies and books can be friends. And then my brain doesn't have to hurt anymore.

Where do you fall on the cookie or cream question?


The New Agenda

Today I am at The New Agenda sharing my serious feelings about another Super Bowl commercial in Does Bravery Look Like Assault?

I would love to hear what you thought about it.


  1. Peanut butter oreos, double stuffed. #teamcream

    1. Mmmm. Peanut butter oreos. I need to get some of those today.

  2. also, I read your post about that disturbing commercial but the website wouldn't let me comment. commercials are becoming disgusting: Subway advocates workplace bullying, Audi advocates sexual assault, what's next? This is why I loved the pistachio commercial from the superbowl: "cracking Gangnam style". Just fun, mindless entertainment.

    1. Sometimes I wonder who it is in these companies who actually think these commercials are a good idea. Do they do focus groups before airing them? It just makes no sense to me.

  3. I am team cookie. . .honestly, I'd much rather have some chocolate chip cookies with my book.

    1. Can we have chocolate chip cookies AND oreos with our books? Because that would be all sorts of perfect!

  4. *sniffles* This girl can't eat Oreo cookies. Chocolate gives me migraines. So I'll take the books and the cream. :)

    Truthfully, I don't see the harm in the commercial. The kid even has a black eye at the end so I'm not bothered by it. I think if it was in an old movie and Humphrey Bogart grabbed Ingrid Bergman and kissed her the whole audience would swoon.

    1. Oh no! Maybe shortbread cookies for you?

      I LOVE old movies, but I know that watching them through the filter of my 2013 brain, there are times when I cringe. I didn't feel the romance in this commercial. I feel like the commercial really put an emphasis on taking (he even "took" the principal's parking space) what you want. But romantic relationships shouldn't be about taking.

  5. ok let me soothe your reader soul on the commercial. LOOK at the pages as they float past they are blank meaning they were not real books.. cream

  6. I love both. And I agree Double Stuf is a must!

    1. The only problem with double stuff is that the package is the same size as the normal stuff packages, so you get less cookies.

      It is clear that I have spent way too much time thinking about Oreos in my life.
