
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Be Kind To Yourself

I stayed up far too late last night, and the night before.

I was teaching Thomas how to use Pinterest (he has so many great pins).

But, really, I was doing more than that. I was spending time with my husband. I was sharing something I knew he would love. I was investing my time in us.

This morning when the alarm clock went off at 5am, I did not want to get out of bed. And I didn't. I snuggled up close to Thomas, let his warmth envelop me, and went back to sleep for two glorious hours. Together.

When I did get out of bed, I did not bemoan my laziness. I did not tell myself all of the things I should have been doing instead of sleeping. I sat at the computer, and mentally rearranged my to-do list. Striking off anything that wasn't necessary, I was finished with all my tasks in time to start school.

I felt better for the extra rest, and I felt better for the time spent with my husband.

Tonight I will go to bed earlier, and tomorrow I will wake up on time.

But for today, deviating from my schedule was a good thing. And giving myself the space to do that without stressing about it was even better.

How have you been kind to yourself lately?


Today I am at Just Be Enough sharing 5 things I am doing to nurture myself this year.

I would love to hear your thoughts on it.


  1. Thank you so much for posting this. It was something I really needed to hear. This is something I really need to work on right now.

    1. I'm so happy this found you on the right day.

      You deserve kindness.

  2. Sleep.
    Kind thoughts.
    High Five for just making it through the day.

    Oh, and water. Water is so good for you.

    1. Water is a huge thing!! I get headaches when I don't drink enough of it during the day, and I also feel much more tired.

      Making it through the day definitely deserves a high five.

  3. If we don't show ourselves kindness, how can we expect anyone else to show us kindness? Good for you for taking care of yourself!

  4. Good for you. I set my alarm for 5:00 as well but I am really tough on myself if I can't get up. You made a choice of people over tasks which is awesome. You gave your hubby your time and attention which is so important and you gave yourself the same love. I'm proud of you and I hope to learn from your choice.

    1. Choosing people over tasks. I love that.

      Thank you. It means so much much to me.

      I hope you are able to be less tough on yourself on those mornings when you might need a little extra time.

  5. I have a hard time deviating from my schedule too, esp when it comes to D's nap times. But today I allowed myself to be spontaneous and go to a friend's house for lunch and you know what? The world (and my toddler) did not fall apart. This was such a timely post for me!

    1. Oooh. I remember the nap time years. I was crazy strict about never missing nap time or bed time when Katarina was little.

      I love that embraced the spontaneity this week, and had a fun lunch with a friend.

  6. OH see I am always up too late, up too early and feel like crap from lack of sleep. When Gene is home he lets me sleep in, but lately his hours at work have sucked majorly, nearly 80 hours last week alone..

    1. Sleeping in is nice. I hope Gene's hours slow down to a manageable level - it is hard to keep going with a schedule like that.

  7. Time with hubby is super sweet and mostly likely the most important thing you could be choosing to do! So yey for you for that! :)

    And put me to shame!!!! Your 'sleeping in' constitutes what I'm trying to do by "waking up early" at 7, haha! I will have to remember that next time I'm tempted with the snooze button ;)
