
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Today's Special Time Travel

It is time for one of those nostalgic conversations about television shows we loved as children.

For years I have tried to remember the name of one particular show I loved.

I described it to numerous people.

It came on Nickelodeon in the 80s. It was about a department store with a mannequin who came to life at night when the store was closed. There was a mouse who lived in the wall, and a hat lady who lived in the basement.

At this point in the conversation I am usually asked if I mean the movie Mannequin. I don't. (Although I really did like that movie when I was a kid.) Or the person looks at me like I'm crazy and I invented this show in my mind.

When I was at Lee's house recently, we had the "tv shows we loved as children" conversation, and I couldn't restrain myself from bringing up my nameless mannequin show. Not only did Lee remember it, she knew the name. Today's Special. A quick youtube search proved that we were not the only people who watched this show.

So. For everyone who has been secretly (or not so secretly) thinking I'm crazy for years, talking about my imaginary mannequin friend, this is Today's Special.
Today's Special Opening Theme video link

It was real. You should be sad you missed it.

When Lee and I told our kids to come watch this show on youtube with us, they were mystified that we were so excited. I'm pretty sure they think we are crazy now. But at least they don't think we spent our childhood years imagining tv shows that did not really exist.

Did you have a favorite childhood tv show no one else remembers?


  1. You know I cannot think of one particular show that really was my favorite. My tastes were so varied. I loved Reading Rainbow. There was no Nickelodeon when I was a kid. We had PBS and Saturday morning cartoons, that was it. But I do remember that show because my niece used to watch it all the time..

    1. I loved the opening credits to Reading Rainbow. They were SO awesome. But I always turned the channel after the credits ended. It drove me crazy to see all those kids talk about the books they read...when I couldn't find them at the library or bookstore, I felt sad not ever getting to know how the story ended.

      I have strange Reading Rainbow issues.

  2. So much of my childhood feels like a dream, like that old show Zoom that I hope I really remember rather than just dreamed up.

    1. I think Zoom is still around. Or at least it was when I was a kid on PBS. It had a bunch of kids that would do these random "science experiments" and a lot of dancing.

  3. I remembered that show only after seeing the opening credits...holy crapballs!

    1. It makes me so very excited that you remembered it! That makes three of us.

  4. The only show I remember from Nickelodeon is You Can't Do That on Television. I loved that show.

    For me it was Sigmund the Sea Monster, every time I talked about Sigmund the Sea Monster my husband insisted I was hallucinating. I finally had to find it on YouTube to convince him I wasn't nuts.

    1. I remember that show, but I didn't watch it very much.

      My husband was all about the Sid and Marty Krofft shows when he was a kid.


    1. You make me happy.

      You also make 4 of us who remember this.

      5 if you count my mom.

  6. I am so happy that you were finally able to remember the show name. I remembered you asking me several times what the name was and it not only bothered you, but me as well. lol I was happy to see the video also. I think I enjoyed that show as much as you did:)

    1. Right? It bothered me for YEARS!

      Such a great show. And it was Canadian.
      Good things come from Canada ;-)

  7. I had this happen with a horror movie I saw as a child. Everyone thought it was a dream I'd had, but finally a horror movie buff I met recognized it and found a bit on YouTube. It was still creepy, though. I'm glad you found your show!

  8. I don't remember too many specific shows from childhood. Romper Room and Captain Kangaroo are vague memories. As for cartoons ... Rocky and Bullwinkle (which I now know was a very adult themed cartoon ... political not sexual).

    I would have been one of the annoying people suggesting Mannequin. I loved that movie. Wish Kim Cattrall had stayed so innocent!

  9. Best show ever. I totally knew what you were talking about when you mentioned it which is why I'm so awesome ;)


  10. This is just way to funny! I've never heard of it before either :D A show that I LOVED as an (older) child was The Secret World of Alex Mac, good times :D :D
