
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Shades Of Grey Spoon

Jasper Fforde is brilliant. Teala has been telling me for years that I need to read Jasper Fforde. When I wrote about my reading goals, and Jen and Teala both mentioned him. I knew it was time to move him up the reading list.

Yesterday I read my first Fforde. Shades of Grey.

Not to be confused with 50 Shades of Grey - I don't read Twilight, and I'm certainly not going to read badly written Twilight knock-offs. Plus, Fforde used the title Shades of Grey first, so now I feel like E L James does not even own the title of her books.

I loved every single word of Shades of Grey. Fforde has officially made my favorite author list.

This means I have spent the last two days telling Thomas and Katarina all about my new book-love. About the colors. About the attack swans. About the spoons.

Spoons are very important in the Shades of Grey world, because it is illegal to produce any more of them.

Today we went for a walk, and (having a captive audience) I was telling them more things about the book, when Thomas looked down and said, "There is a spoon by the road." It was the most perfect timing, and I knew it had to be shared.

This is for Teala, and all the other Fforde lovers.

Bent Spoon Shades Of Grey

Maybe next time I'll find one that is not bent, but I looked on the back and there was no postcode, so at least I know it isn't registered to anyone.

If you have not read Shades of Grey, this might not make sense to you, but that can be easily solved by going to the store immediately and picking up a copy. You won't be sorry you did.


  1. spoons. perhaps I need to read this book. seriously, there are so many places I could go with spoons. I'm an addict. Also, I saw the matrix. i must read this book.

    1. Ha! I forgot about the spoon in the Matrix.

      Yes. You need to read this book. Everyone does.
      (I'm a book pusher)

  2. I love the picture of the spoon! People always look at me all crazy-like whenever I pick up spoons and examine them. When I do that, I'm looking to see if they're registered. :)

    1. Exactly! It is probably a great secret identifier - if someone pays more attention to the spoons than the food at a dinner party, you know you have found a Fforde lover.

      Have I said thank you for this book recommendation? Because, seriously, THANK YOU!

  3. Ok, I am putting this on the list. After reading Teala raving about and now you, I'd be an idiot not to.

    1. Yes. You must read it. I'm sure you will love it!

  4. I'll have to Google Jasper Fforde. I love the photo.

  5. Sounds like a book I should read.

  6. Hi Tracie,

    I have heard really good things about this author from many people. He's on my list but I haven't gone so far as to actually get a book from the library or buy one of them. Then I would be really serious about reading him. I have to admit that I read a lot of women authors and tend to do that the most. Thanks for the encouragement.

    Good and healing thoughts to you.


    1. I know what you mean. It takes a while (and often a few different recommendations) before a book makes it to the "serious" to be read list. ;-)

      I tend to go through phases with readers and genres - reading a whole lot of the same kind of thing before I move to something else.

  7. I haven't read the book, but I still got chills when you were telling the story and then, wham, there's a spoon on the road. Pretty wild. I had to pause for a second when you used the word brilliant to describe the author of this book. I'm glad you clarified the title. I, too, have not read 50 Shades or any of that Twilight nonsense because badly written books do nothing but make me mad. I will definitely check this one out now. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Love that you got chills. It was a perfect moment.

      I don't have enough time in my day to read badly written books. But I definitely have time to read yours when it hits shelves (especially since I know it will be on the brilliant side of the spectrum!). Let me know how you like this one!

  8. I confess I have never heard about Shades of Grey or Jasper Fforde - sounds like you really enjoyed it. I love your story about noticing the spoon as you were talking about your love of the book.

    1. I really did! He is in the UK, so that might be part of why you haven't heard of him.
