
Friday, January 18, 2013

Moments of Perfection

Climbing back in bed early in the morning, on purpose, to cuddle next to the person you most love. To feel his arm slide around you, and pull you close. A blanket warm around you. To feel yourself wrapped into him. A faint stream of light from the window illuminating an otherwise dark room, and the hum of the tv quietly flitting about your ears. Sleep. Morning sleep, deep and strong. Comforting. The best kind of sleep.

Quietly praying while doing the dishes. Feeling the peace surround you as you hand over anxious thoughts and worries to Someone who can actually take care of them. Realizing you were so involved in your prayers that the dishes are done, without the annoyance that usually accompanies this less than loved task.

The smile that comes when you have explained a new math concept exactly the right way. The light of understanding hits your daughter's eyes and the excitement that comes with it as she proclaims, "I am good at math."

Warm tea. Slightly sweet, but not so much that it is distracting. (I found the most amazing tea. I'll tell you about it soon, because everyone needs to try it.) Warm tea and a good movie. Something real. Something true that pulls you into the story and out of your day.

Reading a book. The music in your ear repeatedly interrupted by the laughter of girls chatting on the computer about books, music, word games, and the silliest of things. The feeling of love that overcomes you as you see your daughter reaching out, and a friend reaching back to her.

Opening up your email, messages, twitter, and facebook to see notes and snippets from friends. Praying through tough times. Rejoicing in the triumphs. Together. Holding each other up, and walking together through everything.

The burst of creativity that calls out to you, and bids you to write. The final period. Hitting publish.

I hope you find these, and many other moments of perfection, in every day.

They make this life beautiful.


  1. There is nothing better than morning sleep under warm blankies on a cold day.

  2. This is beautiful. I am having one of those days that is the opposite of this. Thank you for being a ray of light in a very dark day!

    1. I hope you find much more lightness and beauty in your day.

  3. You had me with morning sleep (I love that time when the alarm goes off for the first time but you've hit snooze). But what a great list of moments you've noticed.

    1. Ah the snooze button. The snooze button is my very good friend. Thanks!

  4. So beautiful. I need to start noticing these moments!

    1. They are often hiding right in plain sight.

  5. I loved your moments and you have me thinking of many more. Thanks.

  6. So beautiful I love warm tea and the need to write. All of these things are perfection.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed them. The need to write is very strong.

  7. Tracie - it sure does sound like you have found a great way to pass a great day.

  8. Beautiful! Love your writing! :)

  9. Absolutely lovely... we are such kindred spirits. My #SITSSharefest is also about using the perfection of each moment (delight, gratitude, call it what you will) to spark writing.

    So happy to read you today!

    1. I love that!! And I enjoyed your post very much. Looking for those beautiful moments...and allowing them to spark ideas for writing is such a wonderful idea.

  10. You captured all of these perfectly. Thank you for sharing them with us. And reminding us to see more.

    I haven't been by in a while. Your new blog design is lovely. I hope it bring you joy.

    Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you so much!! It is nice to see you.

      I'm having a very joy-filled weekend. Hope you are as well.

  11. A warm, comfortable place of hope. That's the feeling this instills. The feeling you instill.

  12. Oh, this is beautiful. I love how you wrote this. You have reminded me to slow down and to actually look around through those busy moments.

    1. Thank you! I hope you find lots of beauty and perfection in your busy moments.

  13. such comfy words! the first paragraph is my favorite.. my bf is such a great morning cuddler.. it always puts me in the best mood for the day :) also... please share the amazing tea? ;)

    1. It really is the perfect way to start a day!

      Tea details coming soon! ;-)

  14. This is a really good reminder to look for those small moments from the every day. And to remember that those moments really are perfect.

    1. Exactly. Hope you have a lot of them this week!

  15. Perfection! I love these types of days!

    1. Me too!! I hope you have a lot of them this week.

  16. I needed to read these snippets of perfection today.

  17. Love this post, Tracie! So warm! So loving! So you! =)

  18. :) made me smile! :) Hi from a SITS Girl

  19. Those really are perfect, every day glorious moments!!!

  20. This post is perfection. Beautiful truth and light and love. My favorite part is the dishes. Doing my dishes is ALWAYS something that makes me hurt now, physically, because of the MS. But I still love the task, because I do the same thing. I pray and meditate and just breathe. Painful joy? It happens. Weird how that works. lol
