
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Knowing And Understanding Your Worth

On Saturdays, I like to share one great thing I read during the week.
Today, this is that thing:

You Are A Lot

In this post, Sheena writes about having a Magical Monday. But what she is really writing about is remembering you are awesome, and that is something that will make every day magical.

"This has nothing to do with ego or arrogance or bragging or having a big head. 
It’s about knowing and understanding your worth, celebrating your success and accomplishments, and loving your self."
- Sheena

If you were to make a list of all the awesome things you have already done and already are...what would be on that list?


  1. I am a survivor. I am #withtheband. I am learning. I am enough. Thank you for this post, it's been a dark week for me for whatever reason. I needed some light!

    1. You are so much all those things. And you are amazing!

      I'm glad some of this light made it to you.

  2. I don't know. That would be really hard for me. I'm going to try that in my journal tomorrow morning.

    1. I love that you are going to try it in your journal. It might take more than one try (typed from experience)...but I guarantee that you are awesome, and you have awesome things to write!

  3. This is beautiful. I think if I had to make a list, number one would be the education I have received. I worked two jobs to put myself through undergrad and grad school, and was able to walk away with a good education and no debt. Not everyone can say that, and I think it speaks volumes about my drive and work ethic.

    1. That is HUGE!! What an accomplishment.

      Definitely something to celebrate.

  4. Oh, beautiful. Sometimes it's so hard to see things like this about ourselves, but it is often so necessary to recognize it as well. My top thing? My family. Cliche, I know, but given the history of how I was raised, I am so very proud of how I am raising my own.

    1. Not cliche at all. I understand EXACTLY what you mean.

      Raising children in love and safety is a huge thing. And very awesome.

  5. I have survived cancer, countless MRIs, 6 surgeries, and 32 radiation treatments and even though I had moments of fear and feeling demoralized and I did not give up. I am here and I am close to being whole again. I am surviving and am relatively intact. I did not let it destroy me.

    1. You are awesome!! I love so much that you did not let it destroy you, and you are rocking life.

  6. Great. I needed to read this. I am a strong person.

  7. I have faced hell and survived.

  8. I am a writer, something I never gave myself credit for, but I am.

    1. Yes! You most certainly are. And you deserve huge credit for that! <3

  9. I asked forgiveness when I was wrong.

    I forgave when I was wounded.

    I raised children who knew they were loved ... and who knew right from wrong no matter what they have done with those choices.

    I fell down, got up, and tried again.

    And none of that would have been possible except that I surrendered when Jesus came knocking at my hearts door! Knowing, and living for, Him has made all the difference!

  10. I think it's so important to do this type of thing occasionally. It is so much better than always pointing out what you don't like about yourself. Thanks, Tracie!

  11. I am resilient. It might be my most important asset.

  12. Beautiful share. I love the photograph.

  13. Reading through all the comments was AMAZING. I think we need to make awesome list more often!

  14. Wow. I would hope "a reflection of God's love" would be on the list, but I know I fall short of that one more times than I'd care to count. I am certain that "AMAZING Wonder-Twin" would be like... I don't know... in the top ten at least!
