Welcome to the Blog Against Child Abuse - November 2012 Edition!

I hope all of you Americans had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday, and that everyone else who had a regular Thursday where you live had a fabulous day.
As I shared in the announcement post for this month's edition, this marks two years since Marj at Survivors Can Thrive! retired from running the Blog Carnival, and passed it on to me. It has been such a privilege to carry on the work she started, and I appreciate each one of you who contributes to the carnival and reads the posts that are shared.
This month it is great to see old friends who have submitted in the past, and new people who are submitting for the first time.
Monthly Theme - Your Story, Your Purpose:
-Mike McBride from Child Abuse Survivor submitted Why Be Part of the Blog Carnival
Mike was a contributor to the very first edition of the Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse. He shares how he started writing online about surviving child abuse, and why he continues to share his story and healing journey.
-survivor from Ramblings of an Abuse Survivor submitted Why Tell My Story?
Survivor shares the new reason he has discovered to keep writing, and says, "It has been the catalyst for renewed healing in my own life and it has also allowed me to reach out to others."
-Tracie from From Tracie submitted Why Do You Write
In this guest post on a friend's blog, I shared why I write, and how the community and connections I have found online have helped my healing. "I pull words from the deepest dark, and set them out in the light. In the light, they take on a power of their own...They build a new world."
Advocacy & Awareness:
-survivor from Ramblings of an Abuse Survivor submitted Where Is The Public Outcry?
He wrote: This is my first submission to anything like this... Just trying to make people understand that child abuse is everywhere, and questioning society's apathy.
-Kennesaw Taylor from Child Abuse Feedback submitted Dead Kitties Tell No Tales
He wrote: This recently ran in several small papers in rural Georgia.
-Billy Gillespie from fathersdayfilm.com submitted Become Aware and Stop The Insanity Of Child Abuse
Billy encourages readers to take their blinders off, and become aware of the abuse that surrounds us.
-castorgirl from Scattered Pieces submitted Power of shame
Castorgirl shares about the connection between self-hatred and shame, and how shame impacts every aspect of her life.
Survivor Story:
-Rick Belden from poetry, dreams, and the body submitted A man ought to know how to handle something like this
He wrote: This post also appeared on the Good Men Project site.
There are some great comments there that are worth reading through.
-Cristina from Pinky Promise Photography submitted Shatter The Silence
Brooke Sapien worked with a photographer to share her survivor story through pictures.
-Mary Graziano from Nippercats Home submitted Abuse It Shatters All Children
-Mary Graziano from Nippercats Home submitted My Heart it Just Won't Heal
-Rick Belden from poetry, dreams, and the body submitted in ptsd
The Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the serious issue of child abuse and to share important posts with others who might not be frequent readers of an author's blog. There are so many wonderful bloggers who are contributing to the cause of ending and recovering from child abuse. If you, as a reader or author, know of other blogs that you find helpful, please encourage them to submit to an upcoming issue of the Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse so we can continue to receive high quality submissions from a wide swath of bloggers.
Many thanks to all of you who shared your hearts and stories with us, and to all of you who read the submissions and show your support. You keep this carnival, the awareness, support, and healing going each month.
To provide another way for you to stay in contact with the blog carnival, and make sure you don't miss any updates, we have a Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse Facebook Page.
Thank you for raising your voice and speaking out against child abuse!
I think we have a powerful explanation for some of it here