From Tracie: Music To Dust By

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Music To Dust By

I had a phone call earlier this week. I keep trying to come up with words to describe it, but only weird seems to fit. The weirdness of the call aside, it has left me singing this song all week (which isn't at all a bad thing)...

When I was growing up, my dad had his music, and my mom had her music, and they were not often the same. Andrae Crouch crossed that divide. Dad liked him first, but by the time I was born, mom liked him too. She especially liked him on Saturday mornings, when it was time to clean the house.

Mom would crank up the Andrae Crouch music on the stereo, and she and I would vacuum and dust. This probably explains the whiff of lemony furniture polish and windex I think I smell sometimes when I hear this song. 

It is interesting the way music can take you back to a specific moment, and make those memories so vivid. Also music can soothe away the tension of even the weirdest of phone calls. I'm thankful for that this week.

Do you listen to specific music when you clean? 

This was my Sunday morning five minute stream of consciousness writing. Set the timer for five minutes...and go! 


  1. I dont have any specific music to listen to when I clean. Infact most of the time the music/tv is off as I do the cleaning when the baby sleeps.

  2. I love your title for this and enjoyed reading it. I would love for you to read this one if you have a chance, its not my SOC but its got music in it ;-). Have a good day!

    Going to listen to the video, it will take me back too!

  3. I listen to all different kinds of music when I clean. Bon Jovi is a big motivator! My parents used to crank the music Saturday mornings too while we all cleaned. thanks for a great memory!

  4. I usually listen to things like The Imperials (that was my mom's house cleaning music) or Chris Tomlin or Chris August or TobyMac or DCTalk or SCC or KJ-52... but the most interesting thing I listen to when I clean lately is Alice Cooper's new album. LOL!!!

    I do SO love this song! And I hope you don't get any more weird phone calls!

  5. I love that song!! It is one of my favorites to sing at Mass. :)

    Music to clean to, hm. I think my Mom often put on Neil Diamond! Specifically the The Jazz Singer soundtrack. :)

  6. My husband and I have very different music tastes. And we have yet to find that common ground. Not that I dislike his music. But when it comes to cleaning, I prefer my own energetic Scissor Sisters or Rocky Horror Picture show to his jj Mofro or Kings of Leon. Way more low key. Whatever we listen to, it sure makes a difference to have something on to clean to!

  7. Funny the things that music can make us think of

  8. I'm not into housework very much, but I do put on Internet radio when I clean. I remember that my mom was into watching MTV while she cleaned - it was new back then, in the '80s, and still played music pretty much all day. I remember her cleaning to "What's Love Got to Do With It" by Tina Turner.

  9. I grew up with gospel music and I know my mom listened to Andrae Crouch. Nice to listen to again!

  10. No, but I listen to TV shows. I love that I can take my ipad into a closet and mindlessly clean. Off to do that soon!

  11. Kenny Rogers always brings back childhood memories for me.

  12. My boss, who knows I'm struggling right now, came in my office last week and told me to crank up the praise and worship music! :) and I always clean house with loud upbeat music blaring from every direction!

  13. OH yeah I do the whole upbeat Gospel music. LOVE It to clean by.. praising and cleaning..actually I really do love that kind of music. My mom says I was born the wrong color because I love the black gospel. I love their heart in the music. I love their sound, tone, everything.
