
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We All Live In A Yellow Submarine

Yellow is my joy color. Last week I had a particularly yellowy day. 

Thomas brought home branches full of little yellow flowers. 
Branches of Yellow

I found these in the store (on sale, even!) and had to have them...
because we ALL live in a yellow submarine. 
We All Live In A Yellow Submarine Notebook

A lollipop full of yellow, lemony goodness. 
Tart and sweet at the same time, a lot like life. 
Yellowy Sunshine

Finding yellow all around, joy in the simple things, and letting the sun shine in...
that makes me happy!

What is making you happy today?


  1. Squeeeee!! I love yellow too!! and the song Yellow Submarine is one of my all time faves! I am going to be singing it in my head all day! hahaha Happy Tuesday!

  2. I'm with you! Soft yellows and golden glows in particular make me happy.

    Great happiness post!


  3. That lollipop shot made me smile!

  4. I love the lollipop picture.

  5. Yellow makes me happy too, especially during the gray and rainys of fall. Those to do lists are like, the cutest! Although that song drives me bonkers and now it will be in my head all day!

  6. You know Tracie, I have learned to appreciate this color within the last couple of years. Yellow was my least favorite. But, I am finding more and more, there is a lot of positive in that color. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

  7. Looove your lollipop shot. A wonderful idea and such a happy photo. :)

  8. The lollipop shot is brilliant. I love the contrast of the blue.

    I also love yellow. I painted my computer room/scrapbooking space in it. My husband says it makes him blind but it makes me happy :)

  9. YELLOW is my favorite color in the world.

    Thanks for bringing a smile to me today.


  10. What a great happy thing! I love the idea of having a bunch of things in the same colour to bring you joy.

  11. LOVE these pics! They're great--esp the lolipop one :D

  12. You know i really enjoyed looking at all the yellow pics and wondering which would come next. :)

  13. My sister used to sing 'we all live in a jealous of marine.'

  14. yellow is the color of Joy for many years. Actually for me since Joy dish detergent started using it for their bottles. I have a few projects to get back to about joy and when I'm done with a study group I'm doing now on it I'd love to get a few more people to do it with me.

    Love your little blogs and thank you for sharing your life
