
Friday, October 07, 2011

TV and Chips and Fragments, Oh My!

All the fragments floating around in my brain in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....


Today I am grateful for freshly sharpened colored pencils, and sketchbooks of clean paper just begging to be decorated, and books, and insurance commercials that make me laugh.


This is an important potato chip story. Thomas found a new (to us) brand of chips on sale at the grocery store the other day. When I opened the bag, I was so shocked at the lack of chips, I had to take some pictures to show you.

That sad bag of chips wasn't even half full!
And it wasn't salt and vinegar flavor, but I can't really fault the chips for that one.  


Are you watching new television shows this year? I am watching Pan Am, and loving it! It is making me think about my childhood dream of becoming a flight attendant. Yes, that was on my dream job list, along with bookstore employee and librarian. (I did the bookstore employee thing for a couple years...that is how Thomas and I met!)


I want to thank all of you who left such beautiful and supportive comments on my mother-in-law's post about breast cancer this week. Our whole family is touched by your kindness and your prayers.


If you have fragments floating in your brain, type them out and link up with Mrs.4444


  1. your countdown had me reading faster at the beginning.
    I bet the chip company would say the air keeps the chips from being smashed. Try not to get hooked on TV series but did you hear they cancelled the Playboy Club show already? Maybe it was too top heavy.

  2. That bag of chips is so sad it needs antidepressants. #justsayin
    New teevee I love - The New Girl and Ringer(maybe).
    I'm also excited about American Horror Story, but I missed the first epi and will have to wait until next week to make it up.

  3. A post the certainly made me smile Tracie. Oh those sad chips. Blessings.

  4. Wow, it looks like someone got to that bag of chips ahead of you! Haven'e watched that PanAm show but it sounded like it might be interesting. I think working in a library might be kind of fun; used to think it would be boring (in my "before reading" days).

  5. That's ridiculous!! No WONDER they were on sale. Guess the old adage is true..."You get what you pay for"...but really...I'da been a little P'Od! LOL

    Newbie Here <-- my link.

  6. So much bag for so few chips. Not right.

  7. There needs to be way more chips in that bag!

  8. I am loving Pan Am as well! I also picked up Person of Interest. I am not sure if I will keep watching that one. Depends if it stays good. :)

  9. I love Cape Cod chips (they sell a kind that are the just slightly overcooked me chips just shy of burnt) but that is a sad bag indeed.

    New shows? I love Pan Am. I've been DVRing a few others but haven't decided how invested in them I am yet. Unforgettable isn't bad.

  10. It's so disappointing to open the bag and hear that hiss of air and then see 13 measly chips sitting at the bottom of the bag! Rip off! Never wanted to be a flight attendant but I still kinda want to work in a bookstore! Have a great weekend!

  11. Mr.4444 says they do blow air into chip bags to help prevent breakage, but the only reason to have such big bags is to make people think they're getting a lot more for their money. Gr.

    This year, I'm enjoying Parenthood. I've also gotten into watching DeGrassi (courtesy of Kendall).

    Thanks for linking up. Have a nice weekend.

  12. Hi friend! Loved your post as always and then I came to comment, found Lisleman's comment, and laughter drove all, or most, thought from my head! :)

    Will be praying with you for your mother-in-law. Seems cancer is touching more and more of the people that I know and love!

  13. That bag of chips is ridiculous!

  14. My father is fighting lung cancer. 2 of my sister-in-laws are fighting breast cancer. My dear friend brain cancer...It is just staggering:(
    The chips are ridiculous. I bought them and did not even like them...
    Try to have a Blessed weekend:)

  15. We love cape cod chips!! but yea, they are sparse in the bag.

    i wanted to be a flight attendant too!! i haven't caught the show yet, though.

    we lost my MIL to breast cancer 6 years ago. it was horrific!! she was only 49. we still miss her!! i haven't read her post yet, and it might make me cry, but i will hop over to check it out.

  16. yeah I would be miffed about the chips that is a rip off. But I do love Cape Cod chips but they no longer make the flavor that made me fall in love with them. When they first came out here they were flavored with Old Bay seasoning like Crab would be.. OHEMGEE I loved those. HMm I thought about flight attendant but I hate flying.

  17. I love sharpened colored pencils and sea salt and vinegar chips!
    I would love to have a week's worth of sleep without Interruptions! That's just about the only thing on my mind:-)

  18. The potato chip bags have gotten out of control. I got a Lay's bag just like that!

    Lots of love to your mother-in-law and to you!


  19. Talk about inflated expectations from packaging!

    I am only hooked on Big Bang Theory. And the Mercer Report.

  20. lol on the chips.. and they try to convince us it's sold by weight. hmmmm. suspicious. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family....and tons of blessings to your mother in law.

  21. I've noticed that with many products...they put them in huge bags, then there's nothing there!

    I think I would get more upset by a 1/2 full bag of chips than I would buying a smaller, but full bag.

    Visiting from Friday fragments...a couple of days late.

    Have a great weekend!

    BTW...I'm with you about the Salt & Vinegar chips...sooo much better!

    Come on home - mom blog
    Working at home advice

  22. What a terrible waste of space!
