
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Happiness is Meeting Friends

In the last couple of weeks I got to spend time with some friends who, until then, only existed in my computer and telephone. Yes. You might call them internet friends, but they are real friends. Sisters of my heart. And I am blessed to have them in my life.
Tracie and Jackie 
Women who love you exactly where you are.
(even when it means driving two hours to pick you up for lunch)

Women who have been there through celebration and mourning. Tears and laughter. 

Di and Tracie
Women who share their hearts, and their cameras (and photography tips), and their laughter.

...and if you happened to be eating dinner at the Animal Kingdom, and heard a loud rendition of Let's Go Fly A Kite coming from a table across the room, that was totally us singing, and we were having a blast!

Two visits from far away friends.

Hugs and laughter.

That makes me very happy.

What is making you happy today?


  1. That's so sweet. I love it when internet friends meat away from computers. It's such a nice thing to experience.

  2. I have never met any of my blog friends in real life, but I suspect that will change one day :) I've been on hiatus from blogging for quite awhile, but I am back in the neighborhood and just wanted to stop by and say "hi."

  3. Yay for getting to meet blog friends!

  4. (((heart))) and your about page – I heart that too – I'm going to enjoy reading you (ˆ◡ˆ). I just wrote this morning about how special our bloggy community is. I wrote, "...reminds me how much humanity we share – and why this bloggy thing we do is so meaningful – to share heart to heart, surpassing bounds of space – that’s love – that’s the kingdom of God." we share hearts with the writing – the reason why I read pretty much only Christian mommy blogs is the heart. I was almost one of those male"blah blah" theology writers – but once I read Amber Haines, and Ann Voskamp - I found myself square in the middle of Christian mommy blog land. It is THE best blogging community on the interwebs. Thank you Tracie - I'm really glad our words crossed paths. God bless and keep you and each and every one of yours.

  5. Meeting Internet friends is so scary! Also awesome. But definitely scary!

  6. I've met a couple of blog friends in person and talked to one in CA on the phone.

  7. That is so GREAT! I'm glad you were able to meet up with such special friends. I wonder how excited i'll be when I finally meet some of my internet friends!

  8. I'm learning to call my internet friends my real friends, and I hope to get to meet some of them in person, too, someday. How lovely it is to meet those people who are traveling our paths with us!

  9. That is so awesome. I am new to this world, but hope someday I can meet some of my internet friends.

  10. It IS scary, but the payoff is fun and exciting and affirming and and and YAY!!!

    I'm so glad you were not an axe murderer (see a facebook comment) and crazy. I'm glad you were you and real and a fellow kindred spirit!


  11. Feelings are mutual :-) had a great time!

    And today...I started working on AK photographs! I felt really happy cause I was well enough to feel motivated to do and than doing so was like ice cream on cake!

    And Megan...are are you Piglet in disguise?

  12. I can't wait to meet my online friends for the first time.
