
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

*Updated* Asking For Prayers

Earlier this month my mother-in-law, Judy, shared her story of being diagnosed with breast cancer. A lot has happened since then, and I have gotten so many kind messages and emails inquiring about her and asking for an update.

After further scanning and tests the doctors are concerned that the tumor in her breast is close to rupturing. Because of that, she will be going in at 9:30cst Tuesday morning to have a mastectomy.

During the surgery they will also put a port in her chest to give her a hormonal treatment that should slow the growth of the tumors, and possibly shrink them.

She will also be getting a special shot, because the cancer has spread through her blood and into her bones, to strengthen and slow down bone breakage. Especially in her spine where she already has fractures in her vertebrae.

After recovery time from the surgery, she will have the radiation they previously planned, on the large tumor in her lower back. We now know it is the size of a grapefruit, and growing. It is causing her extreme pain, and interfering with her mobility. The radiation should shrink it, which will ease some of her pain.

The doctors have not yet addressed what will be done about the two smaller tumors further up her spine, or the suspicious spot they found on her thyroid (although they did say that the spot on her thyroid might just be a cyst), but we are hoping the hormone treatment will shrink them.

The doctor stressed that none of this is a cure, but it will give her more time, and he wants to give her every chance.

Surgery is always a scary thing, but we are holding on to the positive thoughts that taking out the tumor in her breast will help her to be able to better fight the other tumors.

My family has felt so overwhelmed and grateful for your support and prayers since she shared her story here. So I am coming to you again, my blog family, to ask you to pray for her today as she has her surgery.

We believe that prayer and is powerful and miracles do happen. Thank you.

I spoke with Jim on the phone. She is out of surgery and doing well. The surgeon thinks that he was able to get the entire tumor. He found a lymph node that looked suspicious, and took it as well to biopsy. The port is in place. 

She will stay at the hospital tonight and should be going home tomorrow. 

Thank you so much for all your prayers today. I know it made a difference. 


  1. I believe in miracles. I hope one comes your way. Love and strength to you all.

  2. Sending powerful positivity your way. Miracles DO happen. Love to your whole family.

  3. Thinking of Judy and you all today and everyday and sending the best of thoughts. <3

  4. Popped in from SITS! She's in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Oh, Judy, prayers, hugs, good thoughts, good karma, sending ALL this and more your way, my friend.

  6. Sending love and prayers, Tracie.

  7. You need to call me hun.. there are more things she can do to lengthen life and fight this besides just modern medicine.. sending love and prayers to all of you

  8. I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending healing thoughts to all.

  9. Sending good thoughts in your direction for sure.

  10. Continuing to send prayers.

  11. Prayer sent for a quick recovery from surgery with as little discomfort as possible. ♥ rl

  12. I am joining you in prayer today.
    Every ounce of faith makes a difference.

    p.s. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I loved your comments.

  13. I am so sorry that I didn't read this sooner...
    she is most definitely in my prayers. Absolutely.

  14. praying and believing too.....sending you tons of faith to Judy and all of you.

  15. You all are in my thoughts!

  16. Hugs and prayers for you all from me too. Hang in there.

  17. Sending her prayers and good thoughts. God is the best healer and I too believe in the power of prayers. Hugs!

  18. love and prayers from me and my family
