
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nearly the End of Summer

I'm ready to dump summer for my true love - fall. I know Florida doesn't really have fall, not the way it happens in the north, but I believe in the spirit of fall. I have already had my first pumpkin spice frappuccino of the year (a sure sign that fall is nearly here) and I have been looking longingly at my sweaters and jackets....but it isn't quite time yet. Even though the temperature dropped a couple of degrees last week, summer is still here.

So today, I'm choosing to look at the ending of summer as its own special time. 

I'm thankful for pink flowers
hot pink flowers

and I'm thankful for yellow flowers
yellow flowers

and I'm thankful for cool water on a hot day
feet in a pool

and I'm finding that, in the ending of summer, there is happiness.

What is making you happy today?


  1. I am coming to visit you without kids so I can put my feet in the pool..ya think they would notice if I filled it full of Calgon and waited for the bubbles??

  2. Fall is already kicking our ass in Canada. For real...I'd kill to see those gorgeous flowers right now!
    The only pool of water I'm sticking my feet into is the flood water in my backyard. We've had one week of consecutive rain...
    Hey can I come live with you???

  3. the toes in the cool water!

  4. I wish my toes were in the pool with your toes! :-)

  5. The toes in the water looks very refreshing!

  6. I moved from So California to No California, and the best thing is that we have a real fall. Not like the ones in the East, of course, but pretty respectable!


  7. I love Fall too. Except I have to admit that as my kids get older, Fall is losing some of its magic b/c it's sooo busy!

    But I still love it. :)

  8. Your, your true love is.....Fall??? but I thought I was your tr.... oh never mind. 8P Our first cold front to hit this Saturday...yay!!! The temp will only be in the high 80s! Can't wait!

  9. Such a lovely tribute to the end of summer.

  10. I enjoyed a walk on a beautiful sunny day today and it made me happy.
