
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Loosing My Hair At The Movie Store

Tracie- "Do you know what movie you want?"

Thomas- "Something BIG. Something EXPANSIVE. Something EPIC."


My husband is on a continual search for an epic movie.

Our last trip to the movie store was a two hour search.

Tracie- "What about Gone With The Wind? Do you want to get it?"

Thomas-"No. That doesn't have the right feel for today. If I keep looking, I will think of the right movie"

This conversation was repeated with Stalag 17, The Great Escape, Schindler's List, The Color Purple, Ten Commandments, and many more.

Near the end of the trip, I was ready to pull my hair out with frustration....kind of like this:
Pulling My Hair Out
I'm pretty sure at least two of those grey hairs you see, lost their color at the store - possibly three. And please excuse the arm pit stubble. I shaved before leaving the house, but we were at the store so long, it started to grow back in.

After I threatened to leave him at the store, Thomas finally gave up the search and left without a movie. I may or may not have left without any hair on my head.

All recommendations of EPIC, EXPANSIVE, BIG movies are appreciated, because next time Thomas wants to get a movie, he will be going to the store with a list....and without me, or my hair.

*In non-epic-movie related news: I saw a copy of Hey Dude season one, on dvd. Is anyone else as excited about this as I am? Because I seriously loved that show when I was a kid. Although it did make me giggle to read things like, "hip, comedic, touching storylines set against an authentic Southwestern backdrop...." on the back of the box. And yes, I did sing the entire theme song while standing in the movie store. I am a 90's Nickelodeon television dork.

Today, I am very excited to be featured at SITS! SITS is a community of over 10,000 bloggers who understand that the secret to success is support....and lots of comments.

If you are new here, Welcome! I'm so glad to have you, and I promise not to sing any television theme songs to you (unless of course, you like that sort of thing, in which case I will be glad to grab the nearest hairbrush and give you a little concert).

This blog is the place I write about life - the joys, the pains, and everything in between.
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  1. I'm doing a happy dance because it is your SITs day!

  2. Happy SITS day! My husband and I have many similar movie store outings. I always want one that feels right; he always wants some super-depressing drama that got nominated for an Oscar. Glad I'm not alone in hair-pulling frustration!

  3. Happy SITS Day! I had one of those days last week while searching through our DVD's. I settled on 'Wives and Daughters' a PBS or some sort of British mini-series based on a book by Elizabeth Gaskell who also wrote Crandall and North & South (not the Patrick Swayze one). They are pretty good. Have a wonderful SITS Day!

  4. Happy SITS Day! Your experience at the store is why I love Netflix streaming...I can do more important things (like comment on blogs!) than to follow the husband around waiting for a decision to be made!

  5. Woot congrats on your SITS day.. hope you get bowled over by the new followers.. Yeah we don't have a movie store as such anymore. We have Netflix and it is just as bad, especially if you throw in the kids..

  6. I recommend "The Magnificent Seven," but I am not the best person for movie recommendations. We have a comic strip of a couple in the video store that shows my style...the husband is holding up a movie and asking his wife, "Do you want to fall asleep to this one?"

  7. Happy SITS day! You are an inspiration to all those who have encountered abuse.I am so glad you are courageous in your journey in breaking the silence. We have to empower anyone who has been abused to speak out.I hope you have a wonderful day.

  8. Happy Sits day! I enjoyed reading about your blogging mission against child abuse and appreciate it so much when people have the courage to write about sensitive issues. Looking forward to reading more as time goes on. I'm a new follower today:)

  9. Well thankfully I won't have any of those moments since our Blockbuster (which is the only video rental store in our area) went out of business...head of non-gray hair saved ;)
    Happy SITS day

  10. Happy SITS day! I'm enjoying your blog! Ah, the indecisive movie store experience---been there!

  11. Look how cute you look with your hair all pulled out and everything (grrrr!)

  12. I haven't seen Hey Dude since, well, forever ago! I'm totally going to get it for our kids!

  13. Happy SITS Day! Looking forward to reading more of your stuff!

  14. I was so happy to visit SITS this morning and see that it was your day! Enjoy it, girl!

  15. Congrats on your SITS Day! Your post (and others) made me laugh.

    But I have to say, I HATED Hey, Dude! so much. It was like the worst acted show ever. I guess that's part of the appeal, right?

  16. Very funny, You lasted longer then I would have. I'm not a movie buff so five minutes into the store would have been to long...

  17. Congrats on your SITS day!

    The problem with finding an epic movie, is it's all subjective, isn't it? I mean think about how we fight over the best pizza!

    Here are few of my suggestions (current to the last two decades) because Husband and I are avid DVD watchers.

    -The Departed
    -The Truman Show
    -A Beautiful Mind
    -What Dreams May Come

    Drop by and let me know what you think! :)

  18. It's your SITS day! That's awesome! Happy SITS day!!

    I feel ya on the movies. We could probably open our own movie store thanks to David's obsession with them. Seriously, we have so many he actually buys second copies because he forgets he owns them. Thankfully, we don't have to go to the video store because we rent on Amazon and download them to whatever device we want to watch them on our TV. If we had to go to the video store, I'd probably curl up in a corner and cry.

  19. LOL!I think I would have just left the store already!

  20. Congratulations for being featured today.

    Great photo—and it still looks like you shaved. Ha, ha.

  21. Congratulations on your SITS day. I hope it's a fun day filled with lots of comments that brings you many new followers.

    No help on the Epic Movie idea. Gone with the Wind would have been my suggestion. Good luck. I probably would have killed him.

  22. Happy SITS day. I am epic movie-less today. Sorry.

  23. Congrats on having today be your SITS day!!

    I haven't stepped foot into a movie store in ages. I am not sure where one is located around here, they've all gone out of business. So now we use Netflix and save our hair trauma for other events ;-)

  24. Happy, happy SITS day!!!!

    Is Good Fellas epic? I love that movie and every time it comes on cable I get sucked right back in....

  25. My epic movie --- Philadelphia. But, I think you probably have to have lived there to really feel the city vibe. In any case, it is still a very good story.

    Congrats on your SITS day.

  26. Congrats on your SITS Day!!!! I loved Hey Dude too. Like you, "I am a 90's Nickelodeon television dork." I even loved Nick at Nite (Mr. Ed!!!). We use Netflix so, thankfully, I don't have to wander around the video store with my husband. We just watch what's in the instant queue. As a recommendation, 300 was pretty "epic."

  27. The Pianist is a really long, really good movie about the Warsaw ghetto in WWII. You might give it a try!

  28. Happy SITS day to you! I hope you are enjoying it.

    Your husband sounds like my son...he can never make a frustrating! But since I am the mom, I can say "let's go!"

  29. Happy SITS Day!

    We rarely get movies from a store anymore. No time to watch what we have DVRd much less a movie. Unless Disney or child related movies count....

  30. Happy SITS Day! Its been a while since I attended a hairbrush concert. I will have to return to see yours. After all, I'm a big supporter of the fine arts. :)

    -Fellow SITS'er

  31. Oh baby, go ahead and is too short. Besides ya'll know how I love to belt out a great tune.

    Men...if they only know what they did to us. I'm so with ya on the hair thing.

    Good luck and have a blessed and beautiful day sweetie! :o)

  32. Happy SITS Day! Glad to see you featured.

  33. Alpha Hubby's idea of an epic movie is Shrek or Ice Age. He doesn't like my black & white movies (altho he did like Arsenic and Old Lace). My idea of epic is anything that makes me feel good and that I will keep and rewatch forever - Secondhand Lions, The Count of Monte Cristo (modern one), Princess Bride, Ladyhawke, and tons of those aforementioned black & whites! We are a wee bit light and fluffy around here!

  34. Happy SITS day!

    I think the "Hey Dude" description is funny because they make sound like it's award-winning yet it was just a simple, funny kids show. :D

  35. Happy SITS day!

    As for an EPIC movie....

    The Fountain is AWESOME... but very HEAVY of course you can't go EPIC without the content containing some weight.

    Good luck and stop pulling your hair, it is BEAUTIFUL.

  36. Congrats on your SITS day! Love the story about the movie store - wish I could help with the EPIC list - I can't even remember the name of the book I'm reading most of the time, let alone movies I've already watched. But I hope you get lots of great suggestions and that your hair grows back quickly (on your head that is)

  37. Happy SITS Day!!!

    I don't know about any EPIC movies but one that I saw recently that I really like is The Town. Great movie.

  38. Yay for your SITS day! Maybe, it's just what you need to take your mind off your bald head. :-)

    Movies, I love movies. But seems like whenever I watch them at home, I fall asleep. Ahh!

    Good luck in your search! I know the new Star Wars movies just came out. My hubby wants those for Christmas. LOL.

  39. Happy SITS day! I love your post about heading to the movie store. Sounds like hubs and I except after too many experiences like that he now gets a movie he likes and I get one I like cause otherwise we would both have no hair left! Enjoy your SITS day!

  40. You are inspiring. Good for you for finding your voice and using it!

  41. Congratulations on your SITS day! Whenever I think of epic, I think period piece drama that drags on forever. In that vein, what about The Queen with Helen Mirren or Pride and Prejudice.

  42. Happy SITS day to you! I totally understand knowing the exact time one of your hairs turn gray. My hubby can do that to me in any store. My kids are pros at it too!

  43. Hey - congrats on your SITS day! Yay!

    As for renting a movie, man, what an arduous process that can be. Who knew so many BAD movies are out there??? As for armpit stubble, I hear you my friend. And unlike you, I have no excuse for it.

  44. Congrats on being featured! I need to get more into SITs....if only I could find an extra 8 hours in the day??!!

    As far as epic movies it's called Netflix ;) See you rate movies you already think of as Epic--and then it suggests movies you have yet to see that you will consider epic (and it actually does a really good job!!! ;) ) Just saying, hehe

  45. Congrats on your SITS Day Tracie! Wishing you continued happiness and joy! :)

  46. Congrats on your SITS Day Tracie! Wishing you continued happiness and joy! :)

  47. What a lovely blog! Congratulations on making lemonade from very bitter lemons. Good for you; keep it up and we'll keep reading!

  48. Congratulations on being featured on SITS!!! You have an amazing blog and are an amazing person! <3

  49. Hi from SITS! I love Braveheart when I'm in the mood for an epic. But surely GWTW is the most epic of all epics? I don't often have time for epics these days. I think I'm going to have to make time after seeing your list!

  50. I already follow you - love reading your posts!! Happy SITS day!!


  51. Epic movies! Love 'em. He MUST see Gone With the Wind, you're right. Also, Doctor Zhivago. And Lawrence of Arabia. And Cleopatra. And Gandhi. And Spartacus! And Ben Hur! And let's see, Out of Africa, Schindler's List. Gosh. So many great, sweeping films!

  52. GONE WITH THE WIND wiuld ALWAYS be on the top of my list!
    THE RED SHOES...A Beautifulm perfect film about the world of Ballet---may not be EPIC in the way your husband wants, but, there is NO better movie about the world of a Ballet Company....
    THE LEOPARD: A Gorgeous EPIC Film that takes place in Italy and Burt Lancaster is the Father of The Family (And the only American in the film, as I recall)---he is the old Leopard, so to speak---This is EPIC and is a fantasticly beautiful film---With Subtitles....
    Many others have mentioned many other epic fils---and I agree.....But First and always my choice is GWTW! Still, after over 70 years, the BEST film of it's type, ever made. Great cast, Sweeping history...IT IS A GEM!
