
Friday, September 30, 2011

Blog Against Child Abuse - September 2011 Change Edition

Welcome to the September 2011 Edition of the Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse! This month our theme is change. We are headed towards fall, and I am ready to see some changes in life.

We got submissions that have inspired me and made me think about change in new ways, and lots of great submissions in our regular categories. I hope you are blessed as you read through them.

-Sandy Heppel from Sanative Scribe submitted, I Can Change How It Goes From Here
Sandy shares about a season of change in her life and how, as fall sets in, she is ready to celebrate the new season, because sometimes change is good.

-Brittany P from Butterfly Closures submitted, Inching to Change Perspectives on Our Worth After Child Abuse
Brittany shares her plans for some healthy changes she will make to help herself feel more consistently present throughout each day this fall.

-Mike McBride from Child Abuse Survivor submitted, September's Theme - Change
Mike shares how big changes in his life have affected him, and what he has leaned about change.

-Tracie from From Tracie submitted, Glimpses of Change
I share my feelings on change - how I long for it, how I hide from it, and how hard it is to find.

Healing and Therapy:
-Rose Smith from Phoenix submitted, Falling Back In Love With Myself
She wrote: "Child abuse has left me with a very poor picture of myself, this is something I'm working on changing."

-Lynn Tolson from Beyond the Tears: A True Survivor's Story submitted, Tolson 4 TEARS On Change
Lynn shares her journey of learning about change, and realizing that it isn't an all or nothing event, but rather a step by step process.

-Patricia Singleton from Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker submitted, You Deserve Your Own Love Guest Post
She wrote: "The best thing that I ever did for myself in healing from incest was to learn to love myself."

-Julie from Poetic Princess Keeping it Real submitted, A Message of Hope and Forgiveness
Julie shares how she went through spiritual healing after a childhood of abuse and gained understanding about forgiveness.

-Rick Belden submitted, Healing Is Not for Wimps
Rick shares how sometimes pain and grief can be agents of growth and healing in our lives.

-Patricia Singleton from Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker submitted, Dialogues With Dignity: Progress Over Perfection
She wrote: "A discussion between four friends about progress over perfection. When you give up perfection, healing can start."

 Advocacy and Awareness:
-Patricia Singleton from Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker submitted, Interview of Nancy Fox-Kilgore, M.S., Sibling Bully Activist
She wrote: "Nancy Kilgore's book, Girl In The Water, is about her own story of being a sibling abuse survivor. Nancy is an advocate for those who have survived sibling bullying."

-Patricia Singleton from Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker submitted, Humanity Founded Upon Abuse of Children
She wrote: "This post and the article that it highlights are not easy reading. Child abuse has been around as long as mankind has been on this earth. Some statistics show that incest is the most prevalent form of child sexual abuse."

-Tammy Taylor from Here We Go submitted, Silent No More

-Kath from KathleenFreeman submitted, Legacy For a Two Year Old/Slouching Beyond Two 2011
She wrote: "You walked away: a poem of hope and recovery."

-Tammy Taylor from Here We Go submitted, Making My Way Back

The Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse is a monthly event. The purpose is to raise awareness about the serious issue of child abuse and to share important posts with others who may not be frequent readers of an author's blog, and expose one's work to a wider audience. There are so many wonderful bloggers who are contributing to the cause of ending and recovering from child abuse. If you, as a reader or author, know of other blogs that you find helpful, please encourage them to submit to an upcoming issue of the Carnival Against Child Abuse; and please bookmark that page so we can continue to receive high quality submissions from a wide swath of bloggers.

Many thanks to all of you who shared your hearts and stories with us, and to all of you who read the submissions and show your support. You keep this carnival, the awareness, support, and healing going each month.

To provide another way for you to stay in contact with the blog carnival, and make sure you don't miss any updates; you can like the Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse Facebook Page

If you are interested in hosting an edition of the blog carnival, please send me an email.

Thank you for raising your voice and speaking out against child abuse! 


  1. I found you on Sits, glad I did. I am looking forward to getting to know you and reading your posts.

    My Meddling Mind

  2. This is amazing! I'm looking forward to reading as many of these as I can before the little ones wake up...

  3. Thank you Tracie for hosting this month. I look forward to reading the articles and meeting new subscribers.
