
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Staying Comfortable While Drinking

You know how great it is to get the pillows smooshed just right under your head? To have the blanket (preferably a polka dot blanket) all sealed around you, so there is no cold air sneaking in? And you are angled just right to see the tv, or read your book?

But then, you realize you are thirsty.

Really thirsty.

You roll your head to the right (maybe you turn yours to the left, but I have a table on the right side of my bed, so I turn right) and see the glass of water sitting there. Full of hydration possibilities.

The water is calling you.

Suddenly, it seems as though you have been walking across a long desert, and you have to have that water! WATER!!

You reach out your hand for the glass, and realize - the smooshed pillows, the blanket, the comfort - if you sit up and drink that water, you will not reach this level of comfortability again for the rest of the night.


Will you try to drink that water while lying down? If so, you have a 25% chance that you will be successful, and a 74% chance that you will be lying in a puddle of water (which would ruin your comfortablility more than sitting up). There is also the 1% chance water fairies will show up and cause the water to shoot from the glass and dance around before it lands in your mouth without spilling a drop, but I have yet to have that happen (also I think this proves I watch too much Tinkerbell).

What to do?

I say go for it. Live dangerously.

Because that moment where you successfully drink the water while lying down? Perfect.

And the moment, a minute later, when your husband asks for the glass of water and is unsuccessful? Even more perfect.

It is the little things in life that are important.


  1. **giggles** Thank you for the middle-of-the-night guffaws. Perfect. Much needed. Much appreciated. xo

  2. LOL, I know that feeling...must have water or die!

  3. Haha. Straws, honey. Invest in bendy straws. ;) There may be no such thing as water fairies but you can glue some pretty little wings on a bendy straw. LOL!

  4. Needed a chuckle with a smile on my face this morning. Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you dear one.

  5. Ahh nothing better than waking up in the middle of the night with dry mouth and realizing you have remembered to leave water on your nightstand!

  6. Nice to know I'm not the only one with night water dilemmas. And I "got for it" too. Then I turn the pillow over so I don't have to lay on the freshly water-soaked side. You gotta have a plan in this crazy life, dontcha?

  7. lol! It's always funnier when the husband spills the water!

  8. I agree, bendy straws!

    Yesterday, I was lying in bed immobile, not because of comfort but because of the aches and pains and swollen glands all over my neck due to bronchitis. I was so thirsty, but it hurt everywhere to sit up and take a drink. My sweet youngest came in my room with a bendy straw. Made all the difference! Amazing what a little bend in a straw will do.

    Funny, funny post.

  9. bwahahaha! Always happens to me. Ugh.
    I should wise up[ and learn from my mistakes...

  10. I am *always* the doofus who forgets the 74% chance of failure and blithely assumes I can do it sans shower. lol

  11. Ha...the funniest part is that I wrote a similar post about being in bed and not wanting to move today.
    Great minds think alike ;)

  12. It really is perfect when you have quenched you thirst and you get to laugh too.

  13. that's when I wish for a really long straw.

  14. It's hilarious that I'm reading this now because I've been debating whether I should get a drink of water, but I'm so comfortable.

  15. I will do almost anything to stay comfortable once I am comfortable. ;)

  16. Ha! Oh I love it. Except I did live dangerously the other night- I am very pregnant and sitting up is sometimes just too hard - I, however, was not so successful. I took a little cool bath on the couch... and didn't sit up to clean it either. :)

  17. Wait I'm not sure it's more perfect because he's getting YOUR bed wet! ha ha

    Hey, did you ever share your story about you and your husband?

  18. I really hate it when I finally get comfy and then need to move and lose my spot...ugh...terrible!


  19. Such a fun read Tracie!!! I giggled and it was a nice light-hearted break from more serious posts I have read lately! Visiting from Going Green!!

  20. I love it ... this had me giggling because we've all found ourselves in that situation. Thank you so much for the laugh!

    Found you through the Recycle Old Blog Posts linkup at The Mommy Mess! :)

  21. Thanks for the laugh - needed that today! :)

  22. Haha!! Yes, yes!! Were you at my house last night? I am never more lazy than bedtime! This is when I whine like a baby and ask my husband to get the water for me.

  23. Those two things ARE really hard to do together!

  24. I'm such a spiller that would be a disaster waiting to happen.
