
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Happiness Is Stopping to Smell the Flowers

While talking to a grandparent on the phone last night, Katarina had this to say about being eight years old, "Last week I was seven; skipping around the room, being a kid. I had no clue. Now I am eight, which is nearly grown up, and everything is different. Being eight years old is a big responsibility. One day I am going to look back and miss being seven."

You know what I miss? Walking outside without feeling like I've stepping into a sauna.

Until fall arrives, I am going to be grateful for yellow hibiscus flowers. One of the good things the summer heat brings.

Yellow Hibiscus

Yellow flowers make me happy.

What is making you happy today?


  1. I am wishing Fall would hurry up as well! That is a beautiful yellow hibiscus. It is a sauna out, so seeing big oak trees providing an abundance of shade makes me (and my son) happy since we are outside a lot.

    But, yesterday he wasn't feeling well so spending the day doing nothing but cuddling on the sofa and watching cartoons made us both happy. It's the little things that mean so much.

  2. What is making me happy is that I finally found the courage to create happiness. That I found a way to leave the past behind me. Where it belongs.

  3. I love her quote! She's going to turn into a tween soon! And with that comes a lot of worldly knowledge. ;) She sounds amazing.

    And yes on the sauna. I can't stand it anymore!!!!

  4.'s raining....the flowers are all sighing. and I'm hoping the rain will drive out that humidity. Stay cool out there....

  5. Saw your "Blackout" comforts for your little gal on Leigh Vs Laundry and just loved it!

  6. Sounds like a pretty wise little girl!


  7. Oh My Goodness! I love it when a kid (including my 21 y.o. baby) says "back when I was little ..." So funny!

  8. I cant remember back that far. :) When I was 8...
    Heck Was I 8 even? lol...
    I was born 30....
    I like yellow flowers too...
    Just ENJOY every day you have Katarina...BEST advice there is.....

  9. That is a great thing to be grateful for- it's beautiful. I know that because we are so dry- we are not blessed with such beauty around us. Nothing grows here. :)

  10. Gorgeous Flower!!! My kids always talk about when they were a year younger... like it was so long ago lol

  11. Your daughter is so insightful.

    This heat? Needs to GO.

  12. Kids are so adorable! That's really funny. This heat is killing us, too.

  13. Loved your telephone conversation.

  14. Tracie hoping the heat wave ends very soon. What a year. We used to have red hibiscus while growing up in our front yard. Blessings.

  15. this is beautiful. I love blossom in the fall/autumn. When the pink and white tree blossom starts to fall all over the pavements and the leaves are on the ground. I like to stamp an kick through them in my Uggs. :) Hope you dont mind me blog-rolling you?


  16. Can't wait for autumn, my favorite time of the year. I love Las Vegas but am not a fan of our summers.

    Katarina is getting so grown-up! Eight years old, after all, is a much more evolved and wiser age than seven! So cute!

  17. Your daughter is so wonderfully wise. I hope she enjoys eight just as much as she obviously loved seven.

    Today I am thankful for the rain. Here in Florida, I'm used to afternoon rains, just an hour and it's gone. Today, we woke up to grey skies and that cozy feeling that we have nowhere to go, but to watch the rain. I'm hoping this cools us off a bit!

  18. Kids are so funny. This reminds me of something my daughter would say about her getting older.

  19. From the mouths of babes... My Sonny-Bunny turns eight this fall. The only reason I am not looking to rush into fall. But fifty days over 100 degrees... well, that's a different story.


  20. I told my grandson that when he turns 6 soon he will need to use two hand to count his age.
    Your daughter can still count her age out on her hands so I would give her a big break on the responsibility part.
    Sounds like she is getting it all figured out.

  21. That's funny - your daughter does sound all grown up. I love yellow flowers, especially against a grey sky, but I do no like them next to my pale pink blossom tree so they're going to have to get uprooted.

  22. I really miss being 7 and 17 and 27 and 37.

  23. That quote is really adorable.

    At least the _flower_ looks fresh.
