
Monday, July 11, 2011

Where I'm From

I am from rocking chairs and Belleek. From walls too hard to pierce with nail or screw and dark paneling that ran across the ceiling.

I am from a house hidden behind trees on the edge of woods, discovered, yet wild. One path led to civilization, and one path led to a burned slab and broken chimney - all that was left to mark the place of a family's life.

I am from the cold stream and sweet-smelling garden that existed only in my imagination, and a very real oak that stood tall and proud, with branches beckoning me to climb, sit and read for hours.

I am from pots banged loudly on the new year and shouts that rang out even louder. I am from names changed and stories half-told, papers hoarded, soup cans and gavels.

I am from secrets and hiding, codependency and denial.

From Where Have All the Flowers Gone and Revolution Number 9.

I am from pages as thin as onion skins bound in leather; and words that should bring joy, chained in rules and duties.

I am from the west for just a moment, then lost in the south. Shortbread and hot tea in china cups; and sweet tea and cornbread in iron skillets. I am from roots dug deep, yet I am not connected.

From a hole in the fence, barely big enough for two children to sneak through. We felt a thrill of danger as we hid behind the bushes, and we made it back just in time to escape detection - with honeysuckle on our breaths and smooth stones in our pockets. Ours was a friendship, connected by blood, that I thought would last forever.

I am from boxes stored and piled high. From one family that saves nothing and another family that does not throw away - caught between two extremes, both that leave my hands empty and my heart lost.


I was introduced to Fred First Floyd's Form by Chibi Jeebs.
If you make one of your own, you can link it up on Schmutzie's blog.

Have the places and family you are from affected who you are today?


  1. This? Is extraordinary.

    You did such splendid job with the sights and sounds of your childhood. Really powerful imagery. Incredibly done.

  2. Ohhhh I love this and will have to check it out..

  3. LOVE!!!! You are such a gifted writer!!!!

  4. This is really beautiful. I have recently found your blog and I cried so hard when I watched your video. Thank you for sharing your story and finding the strength to live. Your writing is beautiful and profound. It gives hope when there is little to spare and it magically abounds.

  5. Such great writing! Your words and items/sounds/places mention are so vivid!

  6. So sweet ... and sad! Love you, my friend!

  7. Lovely post. Particularly related to the from the west and permanently the south...I lived out west and then the north for 14 years and coming 'home' again to the south just felt so the west the unrelenting starkness of the sun and desert didn't appeal -- I need humidity, seasons, moss, understated manners...and sweet tea!!! Followed you over from Kelly...

  8. Thank you for sharing this. It's beautiful. I can't read yours - or mine - without crying! <3 Love you so much!

  9. Really evocative. I love the last line.

  10. wow that is awesome!! I absolutely love this post and how connected it makes you feel

  11. What a wonderful place to be from! I loved reading your memories.

  12. I came across this a couple of days ago and came back to read more about you. It's even more beautiful now that I know more about your childhood and some of what you've been through.

  13. Wonderful. Captivating. I totally picture this in a book - written by you, of course.

  14. Wonderful blog Tracie! Up until the very last word. so well written. You should consider more of that outside the blog world and get published...just a thought. You know who to talk to! :)

  15. This is beautiful! Very well done.

  16. Tracie, I absolutely loved this! Such a lovely glimpse into who you are.
