
Friday, July 29, 2011

Blog Against Child Abuse - July 2011 Edition

Welcome to the July 2011 Edition of the Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse!

There are a lot of great submissions this month, and some first time contributors. I hope that you will leave them comments, and will be blessed as you read through the posts.

Healing and Therapy:
-Sarah123 from Writing submitted, Writing: The Voice of the Heart
Sarah shares how the destructive words spoken to her in her childhood played a part in her life, and are hard to overcome. She now strives to speak empowering words that build people up instead of tearing them down.

-Meg from MuddyFingersMeg submitted, Acceptance
Meg shares how the quote "Acceptance asks only that you embrace what's true" helped her to understand the process of accepting what happened to her in her childhood, something she has been working on in therapy.

-Patricia Singleton from Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker submitted, Healing From Abuse Means Doing the Work of Healing
She wrote: "If you want to heal, you need to move beyond the blaming stage of healing. Just telling your story isn't enough. The responsibility for your child abuse lies with your abuser. the responsibility for what you do with your adult life belongs with you."
I was especially touched by this line on triggers, "Triggers don't happen to make you blow up all over someone else".

-Mike McBride from Child Abuse Survivor submitted, Survivor - Know Thyself
Mike shares that one of the biggest things you can do to help yourself in your healing is to know yourself, and what works for you.

-MarjakaThriver from Survivors Can Thrive submitted, Going Through the Memories
She wrote: "For this month's carnival, I'm submitting a post about connecting to the feelings that were dissociated and shut off during my abuse as a child. I have found that feeling the feelings has been painful, yet key to my healing and recovery."

Art Therapy:
-Lynn C. Tolson from Beyond the Tears: A True Survivors Story submitted, Finding Our Voices
Lynn shares about her experience in a process painting workshop.

 Advocacy and Awareness:
-Subhash Chand from Embrace Your Love submitted, What Can Be Your Contribution to Stop Child Abuse
Subhash wrote: "Any crime or neglect against a child which involves mental, physical, or moral torture falls under the term child abuse. Incidences of abuse against children are rising, but it can be prevented if caution and awareness is spread."

-Meg from MuddyFingersMeg submitted, Carrying the Sadness
Meg shares how the stress and pain in her childhood manifested itself in her body and health.

-Clinically Clueless submitted, Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse in three parts:
Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse Part 2
More Truth Spoken

-Tammy Taylor from Here We Go submitted, Keeper of the Secrets
Tammy shares how she was a secret keeper in her family, often keeping secrets to keep the peace.

-Rick Belden from Poetry, Dreams, and The Body submitted, Poetry on Video: "Secret Children"

-Kath Lambie from Kathleen Freeman submitted, Legacy for a Two Year Old - Poem 3, "3 am"

-ProzacBlogger from Journal of a Male Child Abuse Survivor submitted, I Wish I Didn't Exist: A Day in the Life of Prozacblogger

Survivor Stories:
-The Drama Mama from My Write Side submitted, Monster No More
She said: "This was written in response to a Red Dress Club prompt."

-Froilan from No Bystanders submitted, Facing My Demons

-Tammy Taylor from Here We Go submitted, Drawing in Black and Blue

-Mike from submitted, Time to Escape the Abuse
He said: "I'm a former foster. This is my journey before, during, and after the foster care system. I learned a lot of things through my journey of aging out of the system."

-Patricia Singleton from Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker submtited, Guest Post at Sexual Assault Survivors Standing UP
She said: "This is my first memory of being sexually abused by my uncle when I was 11 years old. This needs a trigger warning with it, read with caution." 
Along with sharing her story, Patricia also shares some important things that parents can do and teach their children to protect them from abusers. 

-Patricia Singleton from Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker submitted, Guest Blogger Jane Rowan and The river of Forgetting
She said: "A written interview of author Jane Rowan, whose book The River of Forgetting tells of Jane's healing work with fragmented memories and body sensory memories. A story of courage and pain as Jane learns to work with her inner children to remember early sexual abuse by her father and the cover up of that abuse by her mother."

The Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse is a monthly event. The purpose is to raise awareness about the serious issue of child abuse and to share important posts with others who may not be frequent readers of an author's blog, and expose one's work to a wider audience. There are so many wonderful bloggers who are contributing to the cause of ending and recovering from child abuse. If you, as a reader or author, know of other blogs that you find helpful, please encourage them to submit to an upcoming issue of the Carnival Against Child Abuse; and please bookmark that page so we can continue to receive high quality submissions from a wide swath of bloggers.

Many thanks to all of you who shared your hearts and stories with us, and to all of you who read the submissions and show your support. You keep this carnival, the awareness, support, and healing going each month.

To provide another way for you to stay in contact with the blog carnival, and make sure you don't miss any updates; you can like the Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse Facebook Page

Thank you for raising your voice and speaking out against child abuse! 


  1. Thank you for listing my post. I appreciate it.

  2. Thank you for listing the interview I did with Patricia Singleton about my memoir The River of Forgetting. I hope all survivors will check it out.

  3. Thank you for including me in the blog carnival, I am so pleased to be listed with some friends and wonderful souls.

  4. Thanks for your wonderful advocacy, Tracie. I just watched your inspiring Survivior Story (and linked up this post). You are a gem.

  5. Great job with the carnival this month, Tracie. I will get to reading and leaving comments.

  6. Thank you for sharing my story as well.

  7. Thank you for putting this together! It looks like a great edition. :)

  8. I know posts like these take a lot of work...thanks for putting all of this together and creating such a great resource for all of us.

  9. Tracie, as usual, a job well done. Thanks for taking on the responsibility of running the Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse.

  10. This is such an awesome community-building effort.

  11. This is amazing - thanks for sharing!

  12. Thqanks for posting this. I've found a few new blogs to read and I saw a lot of interesting stories and posts.

  13. Thank you! I found your blog through the comment you left me on a post I made at The Band. Thanks again for your kind words. I wish I had seen your carnival sooner. It looks like I have a lot of reading to do. {{HUGS}}
