
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Happiness On A Hot Summer Day

Imagine with me that you are standing inside a giant furnace, and you are surrounded by vats of boiling water. That is what the temperature is like in Florida when summer approaches.

In that kind of situation, ice cream is a necessity.

(That orange and cream dreamsicle-like bar  is mine, all MINE!) 

It is too hot to get in your car and drive to the store to get ice cream, but ice cream is the only thing that will combat the furnace. 

What will you do?


That sound! What is that sound?  

It is the sweet jingly song of an ice cream truck coming your way. 
The most beautiful sound in the world. 

Ice cream always tastes better when you run outside and catch the ice cream truck. 
In that minute, you capture a little snippet of childhood, and if you are really blessed, get to share it with a child of your own.

Happiness is a visit from the ice cream truck on a hot summer day. 

What is making you happy today?


  1. It's still pretty cold here. In fact, it snowed two days ago. But still, that coconut Italian ice is looking pretty good to me.

  2. OMG, is it summer in Florida already? But yes, the ice cream truck is magic. And I don't care WHAT the weather is, get your paws off my popsicle dammit!

  3. Ever since we have discovered the Yum Yum cupcake truck downtown, my kid gets so excited when he sees any type of food truck. Well, the other day at Lake Eola he spotted the JR's Ice Cream truck. I splurged and bought him an orange and cream dreamsicle-like bar (because that is what I remember buying from the ice cream truck growing up...but I do not remember it costing $2.50 per bar).

    Unfortunately, since it was so darn hot outside it melted all over the place and we had to toss it. Oh the joys of living in Florida!

  4. ugh I am so jealous. I am looking out my window at the rain rain rain rain

  5. I heart ice cream!!!

    But I'm wary of the ice cream truck, the one that goes by our house is driven by a very shady looking man, so I always keep ice cream stocked in the freezer!

  6. Awww that is lovely, summer and ice cream trucks! Glad there are people still in the US getting some sunshine!

    But, I want those ice cream sammies for my know why...

  7. I agree. Such humidity screams for ice cream!


  8. I guess I'm just too practical, or stingy, to pay ice cream truck prices! But Ice Cream Bars and Popsicles are on my weekly shopping list from April - October!

  9. We've heard the ice cream man come by a few times already. He was a welcome sight growing up, and a big treat: we didn't get to get ice cream man ice cream very often.

  10. I try to keep my kids from knowing what the ice cream truck is. LOL

  11. Oh. MAH. Tastebuds....
    nom nom nom
    I'd attack the ice cream truck man...and I'd make out with him if he brought Canada some sunshine!

  12. My favorite is the orange creamsicle. Ice cream is the bomb and the ice cream man is the king! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I love comments!

  13. I love ice cream trucks. :)

    Things that made me happy- my puppy, riding the tractor with my husband, and my camera.

    Marla @

  14. Oh too good to pass up. Blessings.

  15. Mmm. Ice cream. YUM.
    I'll say ice cream is happiness on a hot summer day!

  16. That sound is like the devil! I have four kids, the ice cream costs as much as my minivan, and I never have money! Then again, the sight of that truck would mean there was some heat around here...I'm jealous of you and your heat!

  17. Okay, I hope you're sitting down. This news is epic.

    My neighbor? SHE is the ice cream man.

    My boys are lucky, lucky, lucky.
