
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Want My Royal Wedding To Pop-Up

Do you remember VH1 Pop-Up Videos? I loved those when I was a kid. The only way to watch a music video. 

The other night, TLC had Charles and Diana's wedding pop-up video form. Thomas and I stayed up watching it, because I missed it the first time around (not having been born yet), and it was probably the best thing I've seen all week. 

It is clear to me that all major television events should happen in pop-up video form. So much better than hearing news commentators break in over the audio to share frivolous points of information. 

I will take ALL my frivolous information in pop-up video form from now on. Thank you. 

I tell you this, because something has become painfully evident, and I must confess. 

The Royal Wedding. William and Kate. 

I held off as long as possible. When the news was first announced, I put on my haughty "who cares" face and snickered with the rest of you. I told myself that I was going to be cool. I was not going to watch that drivel. I was not going to care about the dress, or Diana's ring, or the hats -the HATS! (I love hats, I might have known right away that I was going to care about the hats), but I really was not going to care about the tiara, or the flowers, or the new Coat of Arms for the Middleton family (I know. That link totally outs me as one of the people who turned on her computer and googled "royal wedding information" today. Save me!), or the cake, or who was invited and where they would sit. I was not interested. I would not be pulled in. 

Then one little viewing of Charles and Di with the pop-up videos, and I was hooked. 

There is no fighting it. I will be watching on Friday. I will be waking up at 3am (more like, staying up until 3am) to watch the pre-ceremony commentary. I will be Ooooh-ing and Ahhhh-ing and probably laughing at at least four hats. I have even promised Kataria that at 4am I will wake her up (proving that I am, indeed, insane) to watch the ceremony with me. I will probably even drink hot tea while watching it (you know, to feel more British?). 

I am watching the Royal Wedding. 

(If only they would include pop-ups. Then it would be perfect!)

Tell me I'm not alone. 
Are you secretly planning to watch the Royal Wedding? (I promise I won't tell anyone!)


  1. did you say this friday is the wedding? or thurs nite?
    perhaps i shall peek in just to see what she is wearing...

  2. Drinking hot tea to feel more british Lol! You need to dunk cookies in the tea to really get in the spirit!

  3. Yep, watching....only it will be at 1 am here. And I love the pop up idea, and your rendition here. Fun!

  4. i'm super excited, but since i have to work on friday i'm going to have to watch the recap online. i'm uber excited though!! i definitely have the royal wedding fever

  5. actually i could not care less. I did watch Dianna and still am pissed at Charles and the rest of the royal family for how wrong they did Dianna. Don't act like you gave a crap about her once she died when they did everything they could to snub and slander her prior to that..

  6. I did watch Charles and Diana get married live. It was quite the event. I will also watch Friday - but my excuse is that my daughter thinks it will be exciting to watch a girl turn into a real life princess. I suspect she will be disappointed that it doesn't resemble Disney but we'll see.

  7. Are you kidding - I'm waking my kids at 3am to watch!!! xo

  8. Aren't they adorable?! I do heart me some British weddings (I was around for the first one!)


  9. I won't be getting up or staying up to watch it. My sleep is much too precious to me.

    I may or may not be dvr'ing it though.

    PS I love the hats, too!

  10. I broke down and watched them saying their vows.

  11. Your post made me :)

    Being sick and home in bed, I have been able to watch the whole thing. Blessings to you Tracie.

  12. I would love pop-ups. There was a lot of whispering words spoken that I would love to know.

    My nephew is super sensitive to things. If your daughter is too, it is good to talk about the movie before going.
