
Monday, March 21, 2011

This Is An Exciting Title

Monday mornings are for bullet points. Not to be confused with real bullets, which could be dangerous. 
  • Every time I open an umbrella, there is a small part of me that wonders if I will fly away, like Mary Poppins. 
  • String Cheese is fascinating. It is always my goal to peel off the smallest "string" that runs the entire length of the piece of cheese. 
  • The movie E.T. is very loud (especially early in the morning when my brain is not fully awake).
  • The word "fib" bothers if somehow a lie is less than a lie if it is little, or starts with a different letter. 
  • Heard in my house this morning, "Don't come sit beside me because I have Pringles."
  • Sometimes you have to sniff in and out at the same time in order to trick your sinuses into believing they can breathe. (or maybe that is just my sinuses?)
  • Polka Dots make me happy. 
  • Thomas says that the sky was more blue when he was kid. I think that orange juice tastes different than it did when I was a kid. Someone is stealing the blue and changing the oranges. 
  • The correct answer to "Shhhhhhhhh" is not "What?"
  • Robin Eggs. Jelly Bellys. you feel it? Spring is in the air....and after I visit the grocery store it will be in my pantry too. 


  1. I've been avoiding the candy aisle at the grocery store but I'm dying to have a Cadbury egg.

  2. I cant make it out of the grocery right now without Cadbury eggs in my bag!!!

    I do the same thing with string cheese... it amuses me

  3. I love that spring=Easter candy! :)

  4. OH oH oH TY for reminding me I have Cadbury eggs in my purse.. Not that I need them. I think the same thing about the sky and I never really liked orange juice except when I was pregnant. How odd is that lol..

  5. Spring has been in my house for a few weeks now. I'm starting to think the grocery store employees think I'm nuts.

  6. I like this post. Just a happy collection of random ramblings from a day.

  7. I only eat Peeps at Easter time. It is against the rules to have them the rest of the year.

    In my house, I don't know when "Whut?" became a good way to address people.

  8. oh how i love you!
    Easter candy nomnomnom...
    Being able to connect full time online at home...priceless...
    I'm checking up on all the blogs for a limited time....
    Love you...
    You are ON my A list...
    and HEY! I mingled...check it out...
    tell one tell all!

  9. Don't you think orange juice tastes really bitter now? I don't remember that at all...

  10. Ooooh, I totally agree on fib. If it's a lie, it's a lie!

  11. I feel that way about umbrellas too! I like stripes.
