
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Surprise Happiness

When you are a mom, you never know what you will find if you leave your kid to play while you try sneak in a quick shower.

A new haircut.

Missing cookies.

Folded clothes that are no longer folded.

A "Mom Is In The Shower" opportunity can attack any room, especially if hair washing and conditioning is involved.  Sometimes, nothing happens. I think those are lull moms into complacency, that usually shows itself as a repeated shampooing before conditioning.

But every once in a while, the "Mom Is In The Shower" opportunity is sweet and it causes smiles and hugs.

This is what I found:
Decorated Computer Keyboard

A little black puppy that "eats computer viruses" (she is my new guard dog)
and a decorated keyboard.
A surprise happiness moment. 


(Yes, that is a In Pursuit of Martha Points mug! You know you want one.)

What is making you happy today? 


  1. Call it hormones or perhaps sleep deprivation, but this post made me cry. She is precious.

  2. She is such a sweetheart, Tracie! I hope you have a beautiful day... Love you all!

  3. My family fights over the IPoMP mug.

    What a great surprise!!

  4. Awww I need a little girl.. seriously these boys don't get me at all

  5. What sweet children you have! It makes all the messes and tantrums totally worth it! You are blessed! Happy Tuesday!

  6. Tracie,
    I love your sweet post and new gaurd dog! Today peanut butter is making me happy. Yep, spoonfuls!

  7. Your daughter is a doll. :)

  8. And that just totally makes up for everything else.

  9. My surprises are never sweet and cute. They typically consist of hours of cleaning that cause need for another shower! Your surprise was awesome though!

  10. Oh how great! What a happy proud mom moment!

  11. Oh- my kids do this- I LOVE it. I have a special file where I keep them all. So special!!

  12. What a great post! I was never surprised after a shower because my kids would barge in during my shower and tell on each other:) What a sweet girl!!

  13. I did NOT discover surprises like that. much do I love seeing that mug in that photo!

    That makes me so thoroughly happy. :)

    That's an adorable girl you've got there, ya know.

  14. That is hilarious and super sweet!

  15. awe, thats so sweet! :) what a nice surprise, I totally understand about the shower thing.. Next time.. shave your legs to and maybe the whole house will be clean! :)

  16. So very sweet....your post made me smile. Thanks for visiting June Makes Six.


  17. that is pretty stinkin' cute :)

  18. That is ridiculously sweet and too dang cute!!!

  19. What a sweetie you have! My little guy has never left anything sweet for me when I try to grab a quick shower. It's usually food all over the floor, he's stacking items and climbing on furniture he shouldn't, all his clothing is out of his closet and drawers piled in the middle of the floor, etc.

    I am usually scrubbing my head and breaking my neck trying to see and hear what he is up to. LOL!

  20. So sweet!

    That definitely beats the time my daughter got into some paint and dumped it all over my bedspread and bedroom carpet. Not a good day.
