
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Love

Have I mentioned that I love this kid?
She makes me smile, everyday.
What makes you smile?


  1. She's so cute. Isn't if funny how your children can make you smile from ear to ear one minute & want to pull your hair out the next.

  2. Such a cutie! My grandson Antonio makes me smile. He's 9 years old and thinks he knows everything. Too cute!

  3. she is adorable-- my little puppy, Gracie, makes me smile everyday!

  4. Such a cutie! Look at that smile! Would really brighten up your day. :)

  5. She's such a pretty girl. She looks like her mother. :)

    My kids, a good book, an empty house, chocolate - so many things make me smile. Why don't I smile more often?

  6. almost everything makes me smile--I love to smile! My kiddos and hubby the most though :D :D :D

  7. If I had a little cupcake like that, I'd never stop smiling.

    And actually I do, have three of those young ladies who used to be that young and sweet. Some days, they're still that sweet. Other days, not so much. But I'm grateful for each and every one of our days. And that husband of mine. He doesn't make me smile. He makes me laugh until I can't breathe. It's a very good thing.

  8. What a cutie and such a sweet photo too! Btw, stumbled your "on the verge." post. It was heart-breakingly beautiful.
