
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Don't Mess With Me or I'll Cut You

Dear Clothes That Hang In My Closet,

I am nice to you. I take you out of those boring stores full of florescent lights that give you a slightly greenish hue and bring you home with me, where the lighting is nice and the temperature is cool.

You hang out in my closet with all your other clothes friends.

I lovingly select you one at a time and take you on little the park, to the store (where you can visit all those clothes that haven't found good homes and feel comforted that you have). Sometimes we go to a movie. You are always there when I go out to eat. Every fun thing I do, you come with me.

You are treated well. There is nothing that you have to complain about. Okay, there was that time I thought that I could make my jeans look distressed like the ones I saw in that magazine...and I know that didn't work out so great, but those jeans are gone, and I have never experiment that way since. You told me that you forgave me.

I'm reminding you of this because I have one request. You have lived with me for a long time now and I think it is time you started pulling your own weight around here.

I'm happy to place you in the hamper and not dump you in the middle of the floor to be trampled upon.

I'm happy to put you in the washing machine, I'll even treat your stains and use fabric softener.

And you, the T-Shirts that are afraid of shrinking, I'll remember to not put you in the dryer, therefore saving you a trip to the Goodwill from which you would never return.

This is where pulling your own weight comes in. When that process is over, I expect you to hang yourself up (or fold yourself if you are hoping to fulfill your secret desire to be a contortionist).

You keep up your side of the bargain, and I will keep up mine.



PS. If you don't keep up your side of the bargain. Well, lets just say that I still have those scissors and that magazine and I seem to remember some other tutorials. One of them involved paint, a seam ripper, and some beads. The choice is yours. See you around the closet.


  1. I need to have this little chat my clothes. They are totally slacking!

  2. ....they never listen... do they? ;)

  3. You get this to work tell how you did it, so I can teach the clothes in my house to do it.

  4. I'm sorry, but if the heartfelt combination of pleas and threats does not work, I really don't think anything will.

    And if you decide to engage in laboratory experiments again, please video.

    I love a good horror film.

  5. So, did they shape up?

    Mine are plotting on the laundry room floor. I think I overheard they were going to shrink themselves en mass so that I would have NOTHING to wear.

  6. I have this talk with my clothes every week, but mine includes taking themselves to the laundromat to dry themselves since our dryer is broken and I'm not a fan of snow. Snow sucks. Being cold also sucks.

  7. I just want mine to stop shrinking. Because surely it must be my clothes that are shrinking and not I that am growing.

  8. Once your clothes start obeying they need to have a little talk with my clothes. And they can tell mine to stop shrinking as well...

  9. IF yours do that you have to come here and teach mine

  10. I'm with you! THE worst part of it all is the folding and putting away! I don't mind laundry othersei.

  11. What? Your clothes fold and put away themselves now?
    Come on, I think you need to have the same talk with my clothes...*sigh*

  12. I won't even go there with my clothes. ;)

  13. Yep. I love this. It's official. I want my clothes to do that, but I also have high expectations that they will hang right, and just so to make me look hot at all times.

    I'm really not asking that much.

  14.'re the bestest...I need to go lecture my mountain of clothes as well....

  15. I would like to say this same thing to my clothes, along with, "Can you be more generous when I put you on?" Stretch a little more. Accommodate me and my post Christmas body.

    Oh and by the way, I really love your cute let's stay connected buttons at the top.

  16. Let me know how your threat is working so i can try it too.

  17. So cute. I love this! Now every time I look at my clothes, I'll have an urge to sweet-talk them (or threaten, depending on my mood). :-)

  18. BEDAZZLE the suckers! That'll teach em! :) I'd just like mine to stop shrinking! Sigh ...

  19. I'm Glad You Got That Whole Thing Ironed Out!
