
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Do You Do The Kissing Thing?

Last week Pamela, at A Renaissance Woman, had a post about Camille Grammer from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. You know that show that you and I never watch, and have never heard of? That one. The one that we know nothing about because we never, ever watch it.

Now that we have that all cleared up, about how we never watch it, we can move on and talk about it, right?

Okay. Pamela was talking about a moment where Camille kissed another woman's husband on the lips during a party.  This has gotten me thinking. Not about the kissing of the husband, I'm pretty sure that none of us would be very okay with that. The kissing I'm thinking about is the women on the show, they always do the double cheek kiss. I'm pretty sure if we added up all the time that they spend kissing each other in greeting, and put them together, it would equal the amount of time allotted for one entire episode of the show.

So I have to ask, do you double cheek kiss your friends? Do you double cheek kiss people that you barely know, or don't even really like?

I know it is all European and cool, but I am not a kissing person. I'm not even a big hugging person, unless I love you or feel close to you. All that touchy-feely-ness is not for me, but it seems like every talk show and reality show on television people are doing the kissing thing. Am I the only one freaked out by that?


This is Stream of Consciousness Sunday. The challenge is to sit down and limit yourself to only five minutes of typing. No editing, spell checking, or proofreading. Keeping it quick and real....and, in my case, hopefully kissing free!


  1. Yerk! I don't! I have some pretty major touch issues though (I'm working on them) and generally don't even like virtual hugs, let alone any sort of cheek kissing!

  2. Um... no. Single kiss, if that even.

  3. This is cute. Well, I'm a kisser of my husband, my daughter, and my mom. beyond that, I pretty much keep my lips to myself :)

  4. No pretentious double kissy stuff. I hug my friends, and shake hands with acquaintances.

  5. I don't do it, but when I went to Puerto Rico, everybody did, and I wished I was like that. I've never been touchy feely (but my family is. My mom still kisses us on the lips. Cultural maybe?), but since having four kids I have become that way because it's nearly impossible NOT to have someone touching you. But besides that, I realized I like touch, I really do. It just took a change in thoughts and intentional acceptance of it.

  6. Nope. I'm not a touchy feely kind of person unless it's with my kids or on rare occasions my husband.

  7. I don't do it as a habit, but I don't mind when someone does that to me (or my husband). (I do have a couple of close friends who I typically hug/kiss whenever I see tham.) It's FAR more common in NZ (we lived there for a couple of years) and I have a few friends/acquaintances who do it here in western Canada... Either way, it doesn't bother me. =)

  8. I'll tolerate a hug from people I know. Really DON'T like it from acquaintances. Back away from strangers/newly introduced if they go for the grab.

    Kiss on the cheek? Okay, IF you are an older than me person. Double kiss --- pretensious.

    Kiss on the lips from anyone other than DH -- UGH! NO THANKS and my husband's cousin is a huge offender. :-(

  9. We're not real touchy feelly and I'm half European. I'm learning more because of the kids but with others I have a fairly large personal space.

    I'm sure those women don't even like each other so their physical affections repulse me even more.

  10. My maternal side is Puerto Rican and we all do the *kiss kiss*. However, they are the ONLIEST ones I will do that with....and still after a round of kisses I go wash my face LOL. As for the Cali girls all I can say is "where has their mouth been?" EWWW!

  11. I don't kiss other's people's husbands period. If I am being introduced, I shake hands, if they are old friends perhaps a hug...
    That is kinda weird. I'm with you.

  12. I hug as a greeting to all my friends -- girls and guys. Usually when leaving I hug again and do a single kiss on the cheek (to girls and guys -- even if they are married) and yes I am married myself. Of course I hang out with the same people all the time and we are all really close -- no one is offended or anything. However, I would never do this with someone I wasn't that close with.

  13. Yes,I am kissing person. But my family is from a different country. I notice that Americans are a lot more hands off, and stiffen up when I approach them.

    I think you have a good many reasons for wanting your space. That make sense.

    How are you???

  14. Diana Georgia

    NO WAY! I barely hug family. Just learned to hug my sister and brother-in-law. I kiss one person and that's it. YUCK! The double kiss is SOOOO pretentious for Americans. Give me a break. POSERS!

    I would however, shake YOUR hand Tracie. ;-)

  15. I never do double kiss thingie. I love hugs---giving & receiving---but I try to be aware of the fact that some people may not want to be hugged. But the kissing like that? hate it!

  16. I've never watched any real housewives of anything...I didn't even realize Camille Grammer was on it. (Does she qualify as a housewife now that she's divorcing???) Anyway, I don't kiss anyone but my husband. I'm a hugger, but not a kisser. I feel like kissing is for romantic love. Is that weird?

  17. Okay. This is going to sound totally weird. I do not *love* or openly hug my friends. I totally hug my husband's family but feel awkward with my family. But I smother my son in hugs and kisses. Now go figure that one out.

  18. yes I do the kissing thing but I live in Quebec and that is what we do here. I grew up in a half French/half English household. Most people do it here, and if they re hesitant about it, well we shake hands. I feel odd when I meet people who only kiss on one side, I feel like there is something missing to the greeting. Some cultures kiss three times, so two is not so bad! Lol.

  19. Obviously I double kiss here, but even in NY, I often gave one kiss or a hug. I had real friends though so they were real kisses and real hugs. I just don't like people to get in my space while talking. That's where I draw the line.

  20. I can't say I've ever done the double kiss thing. Do they really kiss anyway, it looks like they just blow air kisses. I'm not a kissy person either with people I don't know well. I don't mind hugs so much but kisses? They're for SPECIAL people. :)

  21. I'm a touchy feely huggy kind of gal but my answer to this question is NO!!!!! I've never kissed even my closest girly friends in greeting. Blah!! Hubby had a co-worker/friend when we first got married who was from Canada (and happily married) and he kissed me on the cheek in greeting when we all got together once and I nearly freaked out and felt like I had just cheated on my hubby or something--LOL! Silly, I know, but hubby is actually the only guy I've ever kissed romantically-so to me kissing is a big deal! :)

  22. Nope...not a double cheek kisser here...don't give em and don't like getting em' ...single cheek either for that friends or non-friends...

    I am a hugger!
