On Wednesday, we were visited by Caterpillar Number 2 (that is one creative name I gave him, isn't it?)
Caterpillar Number 2:
I love how he stretched out on the branch for this second picture. One thing I noticed is that he had much shorter fuzzys than the first one we found.
About thrity minutes after we said goodbye to Caterpillar Number 2, Katarina called out, "Mom look, it is another caterpillar!" I was sure that she must be teasing me, but I walked over to the tv cabinet and looked down at the floor where she was pointing. There it was......
Caterpillar Number 3:
Katarina wanted to put Caterpillar Number 3 next to Number 2, but he had already crawled away at this point. We put Number 3 on the same bush, and he seemed much more interested in the leaves than Number 2 had been.
Do you think Caterpillar Number 3 looks like he might be getting a little aggressive with that leaf?
That night my mom called and Katarina told her that we had a Caterpillar Infestation! I thought that three caterpillars did seem a big much, in fact I even wondered if there was some small "Caterpillars welcome here" sign on my door that I didn't know about....but infestation seemed like an extreme word. Surely three caterpillars in two days was all there would be. I was wrong.
Thursday afternoon. I looked down and noticed something brown. What was it?
Caterpillar Number 4:
At this point, Katarina had a plan. We should keep this one so we could watch him make his cocoon and become a butterfly. She told me his name was Mr. Squiggles (I think she was less than impressed with the names I had given the other caterpillars. I can't imagine why.)
Since he had a name, she reasoned, we had to keep him. I said we would think about it and put him in a plastic cup. Still unsure about what kind of caterpillar he was, I gathered leaves and small branches from three different types of bushes in our yard to put in the cup with him. He seemed less than impressed.
At this point I knew I had to get serious. If we were going to keep him, I had to know exactly what kind of plants he would eat. After looking through over 200 pictures of caterpillars. (There are some amazing caterpillars out there. Amazing!) I finally found one that matched. Our Fuzzy Visitors are Cabbage Palm Caterpillars, and one day they will become Owlet Moths.
We were excited to finally know what kind of caterpillar we had, but as I read further I found a problem. They don't just eat the palm fronds, they eat the blooms and those are located at the top of the palm....about 12 feet up....there was no way I was going to be able to keep this little guy alive. So instead of a funeral, we had a releasing ceremony and put him on the palm tree by our house. Good bye Mr. Squiggles.
Friday, Katarina kept going over to the door and looking at the floor for caterpillars. I assured her that there wouldn't be any more. Once again, I was wrong. Friday night she starts squealing and says, "Mom, I'm naming this one Mrs. Squiggles. Isn't that a good idea?"
I looked down and there she was, Caterpillar Number 5:
Katarina has wanted to touch each one of the caterpillars, but she wasn't very sure about them touching her, so I took care of all the actual caterpillar relocations. I was very proud of her for overcoming her fear and petting Mrs. Squiggles once I got her moved to the tree.
Katarina made sure that we put Mrs. Squiggles on the same tree as Mr. Squiggles.
She is hoping that they will cocoon next to each other.
After five caterpillars in four days......I'm thinking that I need to break out the magnifying glass and search for that tiny sign that is welcoming all the caterpillars into my house.