
Friday, December 31, 2010

December Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse

Many thanks to all of you who submitted and all of you who read the submissions. You keep this carnival, the awareness, support, and healing going each month.

Let's jump right in.

Advocacy and Awareness
~Rick Belden submitted New Documentary:"Boys and Men Healing" at Poetry Dreams and the Body
Information about a new documentary that deals with the impact the sexual abuse of boys has on both the individual and society, and the importance of healing and speaking out for the male survivors to end the devastating effects. 

~Angela Rose submitted The Binding Project from PAVE.
The Binding Project seeks to unite people by empowering them to take ownership over zip tie bindings and other forms of restraint often used by perpetrators as a means of control and power. 

~J submitted In the Face of a Goblin at The Vortex of Memory. 
A powerful post that examines how it is not always possible to escape memories and feelings as well as understanding depression, resolution, and reaching out for help. 

~Hope submitted Loses and Gains at The Hope for Trauma
Hope shares how learning to listen to her body has helped her find control over her life. 

~Mike McBride submitted Trying to Make Sense at Child Abuse Survivor
Interesting insight into why some people may try to explain away or deny the sexual abuse and violence that a survivor has lived through. 

~Patricia Singleton submitted Cry When You Need To at Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker 
Patricia:As an incest survivor, Christmas is not always a great holiday for me during the years that memories come up from childhood Christmases and even sometimes Christmases as an adult as you will see in my post.

~Colleen submitted Am I Invisible at Surviving by Grace
Invisibility. I think that is something that we have all struggled with at one time or another. Colleen has insight that she doesn't have to accept invisibility if she doesn't want it.

Healing and Therapy
~Patricia Singleton submitted Survivor Needs Meme List at Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker 
Patricia:This post is a list of survivor needs and wants that I wrote back in 2001. Today, especially around the Christmas holiday, this is a reminder to take care of your needs and wants and when you are feeling stressed out by the holidays. 

In the News
~Erin Merryn was voted 2010 Suburban Newsmaker of the Year in the Chicago area for her work with Erin's Law and the speaking out against sexual abuse that she did this last year.

I'm not going to introduce or comment on survivor stories or poetry, because I believe they stand alone and speak for themselves.

Survivor Stories
~Miss Robin submitted On Being Living Porn at The Difficult Things

~Miss Robin submitted Prey at The Difficult Things

~Clueless submitted On Being Borderline at Clinically Clueless 

Art Therapy
~I want to share My Name Is Tracie, the video I made for the My Name Is Project. I am used to sharing my story through words, so making a video was a stretching experience for me. It was hard, but healing. 

Other Things
This doesn't fit into a category, but with it being the Christmas season, Patricia Singleton shared The Spirit of Christmas at Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker, she says, "This was a wonderful email that I receive most years around Christmas and I decided to share the Christmas story on my blog."

and finally, Lynn C. Tolson wants to remind everyone: 
"Support for the Survivor: What to do when someone reveals that he/she has been abused?"...BE REAL

B - Believe him/her and believe in him/her
E - Educate yourself; share your knowledge

R - Reassure him/her that it was not his/her fault
E - Empower with information and resources
A - Ask what you can do and do your best
L - Listen without judgment to what is said

Thanks again for another great carnival this month! I'll see y'all in January for the next edition. 

At midnight it will officially be the end of the holiday season and the beginning of a New Year. I am ready to put all the difficult things of 2010 behind me and move forward into new things for 2011. 

I am not a resolution maker. The very idea of resolutions feels extremely stressful to me, but I do have things that I am hoping for and praying about and working on as this new year starts. And I look forward to sharing those things with all of you as they come to fruition. 

What about you? Do you make resolutions? 
What are you hoping for or working towards as the new year begins? 


  1. Tracie, thanks for hosting Carnival Against Child Abuse. I don't do New Years resolutions. During the years that I still felt like a victim of incest, they were just something else that I could fail at. Even as a survivor, I have never done them. If I want to do something why wait until January of every year to say that I am going to do it.

  2. Hi Tracie;
    Wonderful post. I'm new to your blog and believe I have found a gem!

    My resolutions were what Not to do in 2011 (a bit weird but so am I):

    1. Not to flunk out of the Masters program I'm beginning in January at the ripe old age of 57.
    2. Not to stay unemployed so long I end up on the streets.
    3. Not to gain weight. Please Lord!
    4. Not to put myself down.

    That's it, well so far.
    Love your blog. I think you are doing good things here, and I look forward to visiting again.
    Happy New Year!

  3. What a beautiful thing you're doing here! Thank you for your heart. :)

    Happy New Year!

  4. Hi Tracie,

    Thank you for hosting a carnival full of quality posts. It's been great over the last few days dipping into reading them.

    Take care,

  5. I celebrate and support you and all who contributed this Carnival.

    I celebrate and support all survivors and rescuers.

    I celebrate and support a future when no such carnival is necessary.

    may that year be 2011!

  6. Tracie,
    Great job of pulling this all together on everyone's behalf. Thank you.


  7. Hey, Tracie! This looks really good. Great job! Between car accidents, Christmas, surgery and my son's birthday on 1/1, I've been pretty out of it lately. But, I will try to get around and read some of these posts. Thanks for hosting!

  8. Thank you for the Carnival. I've been reading through. I keep forgetting to submit. I'll one day get my act together!

  9. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

  10. Hi Traci, I found your blog through a number of clicks from google. Anywho, I am a thriver/survivor and I am thrilled to see this blog.

    Why I never thought to google this topic is beyond me. Must be time, huh?

    Anyway, I'm following now. Great job on this project!

  11. Hi. I wanted to drop you a quick note to express my thanks. I’ve been following your blog for a month or so and have picked up a ton of good information as well as enjoyed the way you’ve structured your site.

  12. I just cant stop reading this. Its so cool, so full of information that I just didnt know. Im glad to see that people are actually writing about this issue in such a smart way, showing us all different sides to it. Youre a great blogger. Please keep it up. I cant wait to read whats next.

  13. Bookmarked! Thank you for this awesome resource.
