From Tracie: Lovely and Versatile

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lovely and Versatile

I recently received a couple of awards. I am not a good rule follower, so I don't always post these and then follow the instructions, but I do want to send a thank you to Tammy at Nurse's Notes for the Versatile Blogger Award and a thank you to Martha at A Real (Upstate) NY Housewife for the Lovely Blog Award.

Y'all are very sweet and making me smile today! 


  1. Congratulations! How awesome is that! I can't imagine anyone else more appropriate to winning these awards than you, my friend. (Passing you a yellow bouquet of flowers!!)

  2. Congrats!
    That's it?
    U made me come ALL the way to your blog to accept an award?
    You SO owe me a vlog. LOL.
    And I'm gonna make it a dancing one.
    Next time I see you update, it better be a 1 minute dancing vlog of YOU dancing out to your fave songs.....
    Love ya babe!

  3. Congrats on your blog awards! Thanks for visiting my blog & making my SITS day so special!

  4. They were coming every other week a couple of years ago but I don't see awards as much anymore. I never knew how to post them on my sidebar.
