
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

When Is It Time To Change Careers

It is definitely time for a career change when going to work terrifies you. 

I saw this guy preforming at an art festival a while back and snapped some pictures.....once I got this one on my computer I realized that he does not seem to be enjoying his work.  What do you think, time for a career change?

Feel free to throw out some captions! What do you think is going through his mind?


  1. Definitely does NOT look like he's comfortable. Reminds me of how we get stuck in things and do them because we're afraid to branch out beyond that one really cool talent we've been milking since we were 12. LOL!

  2. He looks like: "Oh dear...I just sharted myself. I knew I shouldn't have had that burrito, these are my good pants!"

  3. "Uh-oh. That wasn't good. I should NEVER have the Ultimate bean burrito combo before I juggle fire. If I drop the flaming wands my pants could go up in flames."

    Yikes. Always love your job people. It's important.

  4. "I should have thought the whole fire thing through a little more."

  5. perhaps the theater major was a bad choice on his part :)

  6. I think I'd rather work at WalMart.

  7. I feel like that more days than not! Ehhh ... maybe not!

  8. Wait! What's on fire?!

    (di georgia)

  9. I think he's making a grocery list in his head! That he's done it for so long, he doesn't even have to think about what he's doing!

  10. "I've been lying about loving this job...and now it's going to be 'Liar Liar pants on fire."

  11. Wow, definite time for a job change. YIKES

  12. Can you imagine playing with fire for a career?

  13. He look terrified. Never would I want to play with fire for work. I'd burn myself....A lot.
