
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Have Been Cheating On You

Yes, I'm talking to you dear reader. I cheated on you this week. 

I cheated with... 

the outside

Sometimes it is necessary to pull myself away from the comforting blue glow of the computer screen and visit the outside....where there is grass and trees, and this thing called the sun. I know. I was shocked too. This sun thing comes out every day and gives light. Crazy.

Katarina and I have gone to work with Thomas a couple of times this week. Going to work with him means that Katarina gets to drag tree limbs around and I get to sit outside and read a book or take pictures. On Monday it was these Lemon Eucalyptus trees that caught my eye and pulled me out of my book. They are fabulous. The bark is strangely smooth. The homeschool mom in me also feels compelled to tell you that they come from Australia and the leaves do indeed smell lemony in the very best way. I"m sure you were wondering.

I cheated on you with Tinkerbell.

Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue came out on dvd yesterday. I might have forgotten that it was coming out, except for the fact that Katarina had it marked on the calendar and has been doing the daily countdown for three weeks.

I'll admit it right now. I loved it! Every single fairy-filled second of this movie made me smile. Last year when Tinkerbell and The Lost Treasure came out, I was disappointed that there wasn't enough time with the other fairies, but this one had a good mix of Tinkerbell, fairy friends, and adventure. Sometimes a fun cartoon is just what I need to brighten up my day.

*Disclaimer-I was not payed by Disney to talk about Tinkerbell. I do that out of a place of love. If they would like to send some kitchen fairies over from Pixie Hollow to make dinner, I wouldn't send them away. Also if some fairies want to teach me how to fly to London, I would be okay with that too. Email me fairies, let's set something up.*


  1. WHAT? You cheated on me? So that's where you have been? Really?

    Come back! Online missed you!!
    I've been outside too. but I still managed to update the blog...Sheesh.

    But I still love you Tracie!
    You are a mahvelous friend!

  2. Actually, I WAS going to ask if they smelled lemony. I'm trying to avoid the outside right now due to allergies.

  3. See... this is why YOU have a girl and I got boys. Tinkerbell? I think we may have just found something to disagree on! HAHAHAHAHA! I love the photos and love that you cheated on us. Go cheat again... and enjoy it. I need to take a day or two to myself but my friends live in this machine and... well... See... I'm already having a panic attack. =P

  4. You are too funny! I want to come to Florida and visit the Australian trees! I also want kitchen fairies! Wonder which is more likely! Probably the fairies!

  5. Going out and doing things so that you have something to blog about?!? How dare you!

    Life is more important than blogging. :) Even a Tinkerbell movie with your kids.

  6. I decided to spend the evening catching up on some of my favorite blogs. And after reading yours I'm glad I did! Following you on Twitter too.

    Natalie (aka PaperFlora)

  7. Guess what... hehe... that's where I go, too, when I'm not in front of this thing. Everyone deserves cheat... er, I mean... outside time! ♥

  8. Hey I cheated bigger then you I got a JOB that I got fired from today.. see how hurt I am about it.. seriously lol..
    Cool trees. I will have to take pictures of these trees we have around here their bark is like white paint and it just peels off in flakes. It is weird looking..

  9. I forgive you for leaving us for Tinkerbell and fairies, but the OUTSIDE! uh uh.

  10. I was all, "What? She went OUTSIDE?!" But then you said Tinkerbell and I was OK with it.

  11. Damn that outside! She sure gets around!

    But seriously, it's good to get out once in awhile.

  12. sometimes when i haven't been on the computer for a couple of days because i'm actually outside and living life--i'm just in heaven. you need some sun and sky and nature every now and then. as long as air-conditioning follows shortly after, i'm game.

  13. good for you for cheating on us!

    we are going to see disney on ice on sunday! can't wait!

  14. Diana (GA)

    Funny! I, too, forgave all at the mention of Tinkerbell.

  15. It will take a long time to heal this rift -- you chose real life over blogging. AAAHHHHH! The betrayal. LOL!
