
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It is a Blogapalooza!

I'm not writing anything exciting for you to read today. Instead, I want to tell you about this Blogapalooza that is going on (well, this might be I guess I am writing about excitement after all. lol) Three of my fabulous bloggy friends are participating in the Blogapalooza today. That means they will be posting every hour for 24 hours!

I did a 24 hour blogathon earlier this year, and I remember clearly the sleep deprivation and tiredness that comes with it. Actually, I don't remember much from hour 21 to hour 24 at all, because I was so tired!

Who are the fun and crazy women staying up and posting for 24 hours today? 
I'm glad you asked!

Fabulous Blogger Number 1:


One Cluttered Brain. She is awesome. Never ceases to make me laugh. (If you don't follow her on twitter you should go do so immediately!) She also does some great dancing vlogs, so hopefully she will do a few of them  today!  Yes, not just one, I want to see lots of dancing today!  She has already had a toilet explosion this morning and she is trying to figure out how to fit in life and a shower with all this blogging going on. (No, not showering on the blog. Get your mind out of the gutter people!)

Fabulous Blogger Number 2:

Angel Believes. She is awesome. When I read her blog I laugh, I cry, and I cheer! She doesn't do dancing vlogs, but she does incredible singing ones, so I'm hoping for a few of those from her today.....or one dancing vlog. One vlog of Angel dancing will equal three singing ones. Angel stayed up with me for a lot of my blgoathon earlier this year, and brought friends, and even her kids watched. Super supportive and wonderful!

Fabulous Blogger Number 3:

Not Your Average Teen

Not Your Average Teen. She is awesome (do you see a trend here, I only hang with awesome bloggers!) I love to read her because she makes me think, and laugh and sometimes cry. (Apparently I'm all about the laughing and crying today) She doesn't do very many vlogs, but she did talk about cereal earlier this morning which is nice. Except that now I am wanting some Reeses Puffs and we don't have any at the house. Brittany, I want to see you sing and dance today too please! =) Brittany was the very first person to visit my blogathon this year. I'll always remember that!

Those are my fabulous, crazy, 24-hour blogging friends. Please stop by their places today and show them some love and encouragement. With 24 posts from each of them today there will be a lot for you to choose from commenting wise. Tons of fun....and I know from experience that all the comments and love helps keep you going when you have a goal to reach like they do!


  1. Tracie You ROCK!
    i love ya...
    Those blogs and YOURs are about the only ones I will be visiting today...sigh...
    unless they tweet at me....

  2. AWWWW ty so much between you and Brittany today I am gonna be a weepymess of blog love lol..

  3. Thanks for sharing! I'm off to visit!

    (I cannot imagine doing that much posting! lol! I'd be a blubbery mess after hour 1!)

  4. I commend them. Do you think they want comments on every post??

  5. I shall check them all out! I remember your blog-a-thon! Somehow I found you in the middle of it which was the very first time I had ever run across your blog! SO GLAD I FOUND YOU! Because you are PRECIOUS to me! :) ... Go ahead ... cry again! ;)

  6. Nah. ninja 24 posts in 24 hours is WAY too much to comment on.
    It is.
    Feel free to peruse at your leisure.
    Go ahead Tracie, tell the ninja that for me..:))

  7. Hey! I was coming to check in with you and see how your Bible in 90 Days reading is going. I haven't heard from you in a while, and was curious for an update.

    A Blogapalooza....Oh my! I can't imagine posting very hour! I probably wouldn't be making much sense by the end due to the lack of sleep! Thanks for the heads up on some new, great blogs.

  8. It takes me 24 hours to write 1 post!!!

    I just realized I wasn't following you. I got you & Tracie from Stir-Fry mixed up. You are 2 separate people. I'm slow. It's all these damn kids.

  9. You are sooo sweet to give those chicks bloggy love. YOu're the best!

    Wait... so you didn't participate in the Blogathon thingy, right? I can't imagine. It actually sounds short of a nightmare.

    I just want to let you know that I love you, and you're the most AMAZING, loving, commenter. I SUCK as$ when it comes to this... I read your blog regularly... but I can't even TELL YOU how overwhelmed I am with the LACK of time these days. I pray that I'll be able to actually take a minute to type in a reply on my FAVs (including you!!!) blogs after the 4 kids go back to school.

    Anywho, love you girl. You're the bomb!
